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Tulajaram sing Rajput
Sridevi vloger once u meet
Anu's word kannada avrna meet madi
Pooja Urs
Hi please share the link of your dress
Talk with Chaithra jote madi
Divya Sankaratti
Shridevi vlogs kannada jote madi
Victoria Robert
Padma Rekha
Suji, s life style.. And Gayu, s glitz
Pallavi Gavi gowda
Hi Ramya
nice vlogs bere YouTuber jothe vlogs madthirod thumbha chenagidhe …next ,nikkitha mathe pavithras beauty vlogs ,avr jothe maadi …avr vlogs kuda chenagirathe navu .Nim vlogs jothe avr vlogs kuda nodthivi …mathe swathi ,viksitha avr jothe try maadi …
ಅರುಣಾ ಚನ್ನಬಸಯ್ಯ
ನಿಕಿತಾ ಸ್ ಕಿಚನ್ ಅವರ ಜೊತೆ
Nikithas kitchen jothe
cooks kitchen
Nice vlog

Sushma Creations
Nice vlog
Mamatha R
Both are my favorite anu akka such a wonderful lady Ramya all so
Kavya Venu
Pavithra beauti vlogs
Sindhu Sindhu
Hello Ramya sis. Meet Mayaloka kannada channel Sharoon.I will wait to see both vlogser
Ashwini Hegde
Geetha Ramesh
Nonveg tinnorige gottu nonveg taste
Madhuri Praveen
Dr bro jothe colabrate madi Kushi avre nange nim channel matte Dr bro channel sikkapatte ista stress relief both channels
Revathi BA
Pavithra buty blah meet madi
ambika m
Maya Lokal avarajothe
Shanthi Ramesh
Super sarees
Shanthi Ramesh
Hi when we give like this purse we should put some coins or rps in that and give
then they'll be Laxmi katkas in there life when they use that 
Chandrakala Prasad
Hi ರಮ್ಯ mayaloka shubha Sharon sis jothe madi. Awara good hearted…

pregnant ega chinnima na ಜಿಯಾ na ottige nodboudu
shambhavi lifestyle vlogs
Pavitra avr jothe
Tulasi potadar
Pavitra's beauty vlogs tumba saralate tumba chanagidare pls avr jote madi
Mamatha Nagarjun vlogs
Anu akka super I like her

Lakshmi narayan Narayan
Simple life Kannada jalaja jote colabaret madi ramya
supreeth p
Gayu's Glitz channel avrna meet madi
kavya shashikumar
Urban kannadathi
Roopa Rani
Hiii Ramya sis nimma vlogs yalla nodthine soo nice sis matte neevu nikita's kichan avrege meet maadi sis nange tumba kushi agutty sis
maanasa chandru
Veekshita gowda avara jote vlog madi
Mayaloka saharon meet madi
Asif Sha
Hair yen ashtu dry agide ramya