My client hasn’t been shortly and Im going to allow you to in on the guidelines I gave her to maintain her hair while it grows back in!
OlSkool Turban:
Regular Cutting Collar:
Seva Satin Scarf:
Satin Pillowcase:
Plastic Caps:
Aluminum Caps:
The UnBrush:
Wide Tooth Detangling Comb:
Hair Steamer:
Hair Steamer:
Large Satin Scrunchies:
Small Satin Scrunchies:
Scalp Massager:
Black Sanek Strips:
can you suggest some effective heat protectants with good ingredients? thank you
There is nothing like a Marcel. Her looks beautiful. Thank you for the tips.
How many weeks until your next Prem?
Can we get a video on the best protective styles for growth and thinning edges or hair? Thank you
What you wrote about peace. Is absolutely uplifting.
Good afternoon Happy Sunday everyone! Peace does come with a lot of goodbyes. Blessings on top of Blessings to you my friend from Philly. Have a blessed and peaceful upcoming week!!! Thank you for sharing.
I love marcells!!!! Such a great product!!
Hey Key. i have been watching you from Oakland since the pandemic amd I have learned some good stuff from you., I am middle-aged white guy with scandinavian roots- i have super straight, fine hair. My barber kept cutting is shorter and shorter until i started using satin pillow cases and it has totally change my hair health. I am working a 90's brush-back now thanks to you! Thank you so much for the education!
I love watching your work. The level of precision you have for an accurate cut is brilliant. now i watch other people and I am judgy about how they are doing their cuts
I know nothing! anyway thanks for the education and asmr of it all. 
My bff did my mixed daughter's hair with rubberbands. I have been against them but dammit the style held so good, Ihad to go buy some
Im so glad you were specific about the moisture because I am for sure one of the people that thought moisture meant oil. Great tips. Thank you

“I need ‘em, I just need ‘em!” Frfr
. Love you
Could you give us the link to the Aluminum cap please?
I haven't tried the Unbrush. I love the Tangle Teaser.
Excellent hairstyle health hair on point stop spit ends
I love the humility you display! You take the time to give practical, valuable tips for natural hair and every day styles!!! Heat Responsibly Yess!!!! Awe to the cute cameo of you with the Turbans!!!!
Hello thanks for the tips. My hair is doing so much better since I am doing it. There is 1 stylish here in Savannah I would go to.

I love the unbrush. It makes detangling a breeze.
I have a question, so when your doing the curl with the flat iron how to you keep turning the tool and pull it out . Everything i try it's tight and gets stuck
TY sis for sharing
John 14:27

I don’t use combs I only finger detangle and it works for me
The opening line!
Don’t get me … what paddle brush did you use sis??? I looked below but didn’t see it
I love my unbrush and my Revair. Bought an unbrush for my grand daughter as well and her mom said wash days are so much easier.
I’m trying to keep up with my hair maintenance but my stylist is so unresponsive. My hair is breaking and over due for a trim/relaxer touch up
That opening statement tho!!!
Yesterday we had a celebration of life for the most toxic person in our family.
And a good time was had by all!

I just love your vibe. I wish I could've met yu when yu came to New Orleans. I can't wait until your product becomes available again
I love it that you’re showing us how you deal with different textures and lengths. I want to see you work your magic on short hair with thinning areas in the front.
The unbrush is everything I use it on my hair and my daughter hair! Love your videos! I learned how to trim my hair just by watching your video! I’ve been doing my own hair for the last 6 years! Just stop using the braiding hair because of the chemicals… But I’ve been natural for 15 years! I’ve learned a lot watching your videos! Thank you so much!!!

Hi ,can i make an appointment with you.
Speaking of stress, your videos relax me. Im a 36 year old man, and I dont know anything about hair. It's something about the trims mixed with your warm personality.

Thanks. I needed that.