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December 2022

30 Dec

Perfect Pussy Complex: contained in the web’s ‘clean girl’

Perfect Pussy Complex: contained in the web’s ‘clean girl’
TikTok’s ‘clean girl hygiene’ discourse is just the most recent version of hundreds of years of virginity and purity culture In the event you’ve ever made an additional effort so as to add pineapple to your eating regimen or swapped synthetic underwear for cotton, you’re probably aware of the talk around vaginas that endlessly rumbles on. Concerns across the cleanliness, the look and the smell of vaginas have created a $22 billion global feminine hygiene industry, and the market is predicted to achieve $32 billion by 2028. On TikTok, hundreds of individuals share suggestions and tricks for vaginal hygiene – the hashtag #femininehygieneproducts has 31.3 million views on TikTok, with the #femininehygiene hashtag...
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30 Dec

Missing Princeton Student Reportedly Died By Suicide – Essence

Missing Princeton Student Reportedly Died By Suicide – Essence
Misrach Ewunetie via GoFundMe Misrach Ewunetie, the missing Princeton University student whose body was found on campus in October, reportedly died by suicide. The 20-year-old was last seen in school on Oct. 14 near her residential constructing, and the university reported her missing on Oct. 16. Her body was found 4 days later behind campus tennis courts. On Wednesday, the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office said in a news release that Ewunetie student died by suicide. In October, the office said that “there have been no obvious signs of injury and her death doesn't appear suspicious or criminal in nature.” The Ethiopian student, who was expected to graduate in 2024, received a full four-year scholarship to attend the Ivy League school. She was ranked first in...
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