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November 2023

22 Nov

The transhuman future is here

The philosophy that we should always merge with machines to expand our intelligence and extend life is gaining traction. Design, scientific and technological frontiers are being pushed to redefine nature through AI, AR, biotech, genetics, and VR The long run isn’t an accident, it’s something we create and it seems our goal is to hack what it means to be human. What was once science fiction is now reality: the primary cyborgs are here. A revolution is unfolding in operating rooms, labs, artist, and designer studios internationally.  Scientists and entrepreneurs are on a quest to unlock the secrets of the human brain through implantable technology. The documentary “I am Human” by Elena Gaby follows...
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22 Nov

Psoriasis Signs and Treatment Options from a Dermatologist

In the event you've ever noticed inflamed, scaly patches in your body and wondered what they were (and what it's best to do about them), psoriasisan autoimmune disorder that causes scaly rashes on the skin, could be the cause.While there are a lot of treatment options available for psoriasis, the scaly patches that may develop throughout your body is usually a bit scary. We get it, which is why we spoke with a slew of skin experts on all things psoriasis, including what it's best to (and definitely shouldn't) do in case you suspect you may have it.Read MoreBody & Mind Guide" class="external-link external-link-embed__hed-link button" data-event-click='{"element":"ExternalLink","outgoingURL":"https://www.allure.com/body-and-mind"}' href="https://www.allure.com/body-and-mind" rel="nofollow noopener" goal="_blank">Body & Mind GuideSymptoms, treatment options, and private experiences for various...
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