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August 2024

9 Aug

Move over body positivity, body neutrality is the brand

Move over body positivity, body neutrality is the brand
‘Body positivity’ is old news in response to the Guardian. What once was meant to encourage women to have a good time their bodies, has been completely co-opted by brands, and now there’s a latest term taking up: ‘body neutrality’. It’s a mindset some, like Taylor Swift, credit Jameela Jamil, actor and founding father of the @i_weigh movement, for where people have a good time radical inclusion and the things that society makes them feel ashamed of – all the things from having pimples to being bisexual.  The truth is, the nuanced term was not created by Jamil in response to the outlet. It has been spoken of since around 2015, becoming popular circa 2017 due to fitness coach Anne Poirier...
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