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August 2024

11 Aug

The Fat Zine is an ode to the fantastic

The Fat Zine is an ode to the fantastic
As I open up a PDF containing previews from the The Fat Zine – a freshly-launched publication created by fat-positive writers Gina Tonic and Chloe Sheppard, for fat people – the very first thing I see is a picture of a model called Elyonna Mone. Within the photo, which was shot by Izzy Jackson, Mone’s backside takes centre stage. She’s within the shower as gentle drops of water trickle down her frame. It strikes me that even on this age of supposed ‘body-positivity,’ it’s very rare to see images of fat bodies from behind. That's, from angles that is perhaps considered “unflattering.” It’s especially rarer to see such images of fat, Black bodies (or other bodies of color). Here, though, drips...
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