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26 Jun

A Makeup Line From Kanye West May Be On

Photo: Getty

If there’s one thing we find out about Kanye West, it’s that he creates his own lane, and the business mogul may thoroughly be on his option to forging his path in the wonder industry.

It has been reported by TMZ, that Kanye’s company recently filed for a “Yeezy” trademark, that will cover a scope of beauty and private care products including, makeup, bath gels, body oils, shaving cream, hair care products, perfumes, toothpaste, deodorant, and even scented pinecones.

And while the thought of selling the latter sounds bizarre, the business move isn’t in any respect shocking. West’s family circle consists of successful beauty entrepreneurs, including his wife Kim Kardashian, who launched KKW Beauty, a wildly popular cosmetics brand in 2017.

It’s also price mentioning that West filed a trademark for DONDA brand cosmetics, named after his late mother, the identical 12 months that KKW launched, but nothing emerged from the trouble. Perhaps this time will probably be different.

Article continues after video.


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No further details have emerged concerning the rumored line right now.

While so much people within the Black community haven’t been fans of his politics as of late, there’s no denying that he’s a branding genius, and we sit up for seeing how Kanye will make his mark in the wonder industry.

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