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1 Feb

Being called fat shouldn’t be any different than calling

Icelandic model and body image activist Isold Halldorudotti desires to reclaim the word ‘fat’ as a positive word

Born in Iceland, at a time well before people were willing to #effyourbeautystandards, Isold Halldorudottir never felt like she slot in. “A giant a part of that was because I used to be fat,” she says. As a child, the model and activist was at all times taught that being fat was something to be ashamed of. “In the event you weren’t skinny you were screwed. It’s at all times been something that individuals have been afraid of. We’d do anything to not be fat, and until only recently, perhaps two or three years ago that has continued to be the favored opinion.” Due to the viral body positivity movement, all that’s starting to vary, but not at a fast enough pace. Hoping to speed up the method, Isold created the hashtag #fatgirloncam, under which she posted unapologetic and celebratory images of herself as a way of disrupting the thin girl visual narrative that lies at the guts of Instagram. Beyond this, Isold desires to tackle the issue at the foundation, by emancipating the word fat from its perceived negative association, reclaiming it as a substitute as merely an honest adjective. We spoke to the activist about normalising fat people and what to do to really make a difference.

What are your foremost goals in your activism – what do you should change?
Isold Halldorudottir: There was numerous conversation about diversity and showing more inclusivity within the modelling industry, even though it’s not nearly enough for it to make a difference. I shouldn’t have to elucidate myself everytime I show my body. It’s not something I actually have to be “proud” of to get your validation. We’d like more fat people on this industry to make it normal, and that’s what I’d like to vary. I need you to think it’s okay for me to be on the quilt of Vogue, not because I deserve it because I’m fat, but because I can do it regardless if I’m fat or not.

Are you able to tell us about reclaiming the word fat as an honest adjective, somewhat than a negative one, and why that’s essential?
Isold Halldorudottir: Being called fat has at all times been something people have used against me. But when I made a decision to take control of it, it became less aggressive and more empowering. My perspective of the word fat has so far more to do with who I’m, as a substitute of what everyone else thinks of me. Being called fat shouldn’t be any different than calling someone skinny or fit. Once I created the #fatgirloncam I desired to take charge of my very own insecurities and so-called “flaws”. Only then did I realize that I never had any flaws. If we’re not in a position to move forward then we are going to stagnate.

Has there been anyone online or IRL that’s inspired you or given you the boldness to challenge beauty standards?
Isold Halldorudottir: To not sound like a cliché but I’ve at all times gotten my inspiration from my mum. She’s the strongest person I do know and has at all times stayed true to herself. In fact, there are one million women that I look as much as, Beth Ditto for instance. She’s at all times stayed authentic to her craft and continues to blow my mind with how she represents herself with a lot truth. That’s what I’d wish to be to other women; an honest representation of every little thing that I’m, with all that I actually have and all of my fat rolls and cellulite.

You lately spoke out about Instagram’s removal of one of your posts as being essentially fatphobic – what do you’re thinking that of that term and what do you concentrate on the present cultural discussion around fatness?
Isold Halldorudottir: I believe it’s sad and never to say disappointing that we haven’t gotten any further than this. The incontrovertible fact that there’s even such a word like fatphobia blows my mind completely. It seems so ignorant to assume that everybody should apply to at least one beauty standard. But we created these standards, so the one method to break them down is to acknowledge that they’re there.

How much is there left to do / what’s the size of the issue?
Isold Halldorudottir: There may be rather a lot left to do. We’re still just on the beginner’s stage, and while yes you can say that there was progress, it’s still not enough when comparing to the opportunities that models are getting half my size. We’d like to demand more and be louder about what we deserve. It’s not enough to have a plus size line in your collection. It’s not enough to expand your sizing. I need more

How did you get into modelling in the primary place?
Isold Halldorudottir: I assume you can say it happened by accident on purpose. Love Magazine held a contest called #loveme17 and I made a decision on a whim to use, never expecting to really win. Being on an actual set like that was eye-opening and I haven’t really looked back since then. It became something of an itch I needed to scratch, and the more I do it, the more I feel compelled to beat any limitations to what the media has given fat people, and fat women specifically.

You’ve also shot backstage for Versace, MSGM and Prada – how do you are feeling in regards to the fashion industry generally, by way of its treatment of/attitude to fat bodies?
Isold Halldorudottir: I feel shocked that there still aren’t more sizes walking down the runway for these brands. I feel ashamed almost to need to be a component of something that for therefore long has intentionally made me feel unwelcomed and unworthy. It’s easy to shut your eyes and pretend it doesn’t matter. Pretend that you simply’re the one which has to lose 10 kilos to slot in those jeans. What’s hard is finding the courage to fight for years of misrepresentation.

Are we seeing enough fat faces in beauty? How can we alter this?
Isold Halldorudottir: Numerous fashion designers are afraid to step outside their comfort zone, the comfort zone they created to remain relevant to what the media is asking for. The one method to change the established order is to forget that there ever were any rules to abide by in the primary place. Why would you limit yourself to at least one size when you’ll be able to have all of them? Why wouldn’t you wish your customers to be ok with themselves regardless in the event that they’re a size 10 or a size 24 and so forth? The one method to change this illusion of what the proper body looks like is to showcase more bodies.

Aside from censorship online, what are another essential areas during which you’d wish to see progress by way of society’s perception of fat people?
Isold Halldorudottir: Fat people have been used because the punchline for each joke. There may be an enormous problem inside Hollywood that involves showcasing fat characters as disgusting or weak. There has never been made a movie/television show where the fat girl doesn’t have an issue with being fat. She at all times has to have a man show her that she’s beautiful, I call bullshit. I’m so uninterested in having to feel insecure just so people can be ok with themselves after they determine to finally accept me.

Your latest Instagram post says “Not your fucking fetish” – do you are feeling like your activism is a component of a wider conversation around other marginalised, often fetishised bodies like POC and trans bodies?
Isold Halldorudottir: Absolutely. Every part is connected. Each movement has their very own platform in fact, but we’re all fighting for a similar thing, to be accepted as we’re without having to compromise our own price.

Finally, if someone from Instagram was reading this, what would you should say to them about their censorship of fat bodies?
Isold Halldorudottir: It’s not about you. My fat is just not your personal problem, it shouldn’t be. And in the event you feel threatened by it, in the event you feel uncomfortable by my fat rolls then which means I’m doing something right. I’m not here to slot in.

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