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28 May

CFDA and Sotheby’s to Partner on Exclusive Auction of

For the primary time, Sotheby’s and the Council of Fashion Designers of America are partnering on an exclusive auction to supply looks from America’s top designers, featuring famous designs and rare pieces donated by CFDA members and collectors of American fashion.

The exhibition will highlight the genres and time periods which have made American fashion diverse and influential, from memorable red carpet looks to streetwear. Further details will probably be available closer to the auction.

The CFDA will work with a curator to place together the auction lots.

The auction will happen at Sotheby’s from Nov. 27 through Dec. 12 alongside the corporate’s Luxury Week sale in Recent York. The auction can have a web based component, and it hasn’t been determined if there will probably be a live auction.

All proceeds from the sale will go to the CFDA Foundation, which advantages CFDA Scholarships and business mentoring to nurture the subsequent generation of American fashion.

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