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25 Dec

Horoscope November 2022: Brace yourself for changes and endings

Grace McGrade is an intuitive astrologer and priestess based in Los Angeles. She is the host of the podcast, “Bitchcraft: Spirituality for Bad People.” Her sessions include birth chart readings, tarot, energetic clearings and psychic consultations.

November is your call to reclaim your power, as we open the month in an eclipse sandwich, still in the extraordinary throws of Scorpio season and a Mars retrograde. This cycle of eclipses is showing us find out how to connect deeper with our bodies and sense of values, while avoiding the urge to fall into old patterns of enmeshment with others. Mars stationed retrograde on October 30 and continues on until January 2023. Mars is about what motivates us, and its retrograde through Gemini may mean it’s time to review our sense of mission. It could possibly be a battle of ideas, as information that opposes public consensus involves the surface.

We’re bestowed certain selection points over the course of November, asked to stay within the seat of neutrality as opposing sides battle it out. Over the duration of this season, we’re reviewing past selections. As Scorpio rules the underworld, we’re subject to receiving deep insights over the primary week of November, as we are able to perceive what motivates others. On November 8, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus catapults us into one more chapter of changes. What we place importance on has modified, as has our desire to attach with our own, independent energy fields. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is an ending of sorts, a call to shut the door on any stubborn habits that keep us from embodying self-worth.

As we progress through November, Jupiter stations retrograde in Pisces. Here, we could also be reviewing old beliefs and delusions, encouraged to lean into our emotions and give up old perceptions. Sagittarius season begins on the twentieth of the month, granting us a more optimistic vision for the longer term. We’re called to go on a quest for truth, expanding our minds and hearts. The sign of the Archer is understood for its steadfast opinions and sense of wanderlust, so let curiosity be your guide and take you to uncharted territory.

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