family planning, a life update/my 2023 goals & trying latest makeup.
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Thanks for watching!
Clearwater Creedence
I just turnt 35 and I’m kinda in the same spot. I wish I had more time before kids because I actually really love my life as it is. But I also know I want them. Time is running out and I keep saying just one more year. I think it’s also jus a fear that’s maybe not so reasonable and then I would love to be a mom. So next year
Janelle delos Reyes
I never comment on videos but thank you for bringing up the “limbo phase” – right there with you and I think if we talk to our girlfriends about stuff we should be able to see it on the internet! And thank you for inspiring me to restart the work hustle to reach my goals!
Emily's Book Stack
I would recommend getting tested as soon as you can, it is definitely knowledge that's helpful far ahead of time. I would also strongly recommend having your partner tested as well. I'm 37 and have been trying to get pregnant for 3 years and am going through my second round of IVF. Most of the fertility difficulty is on my partner's side and I think if we'd had that information much sooner in our relationship it would have helped prep us more. There are a lot of things you can do in advance to help boost fertility, especially from a male perspective, that it would have been helpful to start implementing when we were younger.
Stephanie x
thank you for this video! im in my early 30s and enjoying the relationship with my boyfriend and our life. we would like a family, but i dont think im ready for it yet, there is still so much i want to see and do before i get "stuck" with kids for some years
Spiral Into You
I hope you the best of luck with whatever you choose. I got sick four years ago, and had to have a hysterectomy. So I can't have children myself, though I love that you are talking about this, and the options out there. I think it's a great idea. <3
Wendy Pokato
As someone who is 38 with ‘unexplained infertility’ I LOVE that you are talking about this topic, I wish wish WISH I had looked into my fertility 10 years ago. Good luck and thank you for sharing this
I couldn’t recommend getting tested earlier than you want to start trying. It’s better to arm yourself with the knowledge early and then you can do what you want with it. I have had 4 miscarriages with no determinate cause after having some prior infertility issues. Be proactive and be in the know x
Yes just go get tested. I got tested and I discovered i have low egg reserve and i needto do Somthing about it either freeze my eggs or thinking of starting a family I’m very grateful that i have this information
Liz G.
Hi Suzie! what brand brush did you use to remove the excess powder? thank you so much.
I’m so glad you spoke about this. I’ve watched you forever and now being 29, I also am curious about if I want/ can have kids in the future and what you can find out!!
Honest FeedbackOnly
Did anybody get the name of that mascara please? I can't see it tagged in the description box..
Courtney Grainger
Hi Suzie! You can do an egg count, which is a test that tells you approximately how many eggs you have left – with these numbers you can predict how long you will be able to conceive!
Thank you for your honesty and for sharing your story with us! Also, I am 28 and I relate to you on lot of levels, so it is nice to hear that another person thinks about these fertility issues as well. I would love to follow you on that journey
Awesome coincidence watching your video today regarding fertility discussion. I'm 35, in a similar "limbo" to you and don't want the opportunity to have children taken from me by my age! I JUST recently booked an appointment for fertility testing/to look at egg freezing (a little late to the game, I know!). I'd love to hear about whatever you're comfortable sharing as well! While each person has a right to privacy and should never be forced to share, I am similarly open about these types of things and don't think it should be taboo to talk about!
I’m in the US and I had my fertility test around 32. They can tell you the quality of your eggs and the amount. They also told me based on the quality of my eggs what the likelihood of me getting pregnant was and roughly when I would need to test my fertility again if I did not get pregnant in the near future.
I ended up getting pregnant two years later and I got pregnant very soon after starting to try. Hope that helps
janiece whittingham
I love a Sunday vlog
janiece whittingham
I’d really recommend seeing a nutrition therapist – check out the London clinic of nutrition! They’re insanely helpful

Julia Pearson
I mainly watch longer videos on the weekend but as I'm in Australia I don't get a Sunday upload on a Sunday anyway so Sunday or Monday doesn't make much difference. I just wait to watch until the next weekend
Maybe ask your Mum what age she went through menopause. I went through early menopause at 35yo, which would obviously impact someone starting a family later in life.
I took a Modern Fertility test a couple of months ago. It’s a blood test that checks your fertility hormones. It’s basically step 1 of checking your fertility. I was in the same boat as you, I just wanted to know if my levels were normal or not (im 30). Thankfully they are and this was all I needed to know for the moment. They don’t tell you how long you have (i don’t think anyone can truly tell you that with certainty), they just check your hormones and tell you if they are low/normal/high or very high for your age. Might look into freezing my eggs in the next 2 years as I don’t see myself wanting kids for another 3-4-5 years but I know that after 34-35 the quality of your eggs decreases.
Jennifer Goble
Yes to normalising fertility chat! Yes to discussing the our hopes! Yes to sharing our worries around our bodies! Yes to speaking about early pregnancy and removing the shame of hiding it for the first 3 months when it’s the most vulnerable time alone!
Nathalie Vivid Rose
my advice: get yourself and your boyfriend/hubbie tested. then they can tell you how your chances are if you want to wait. because most times only the women gets checked but there are two persons involved… and it would be really hard if you are healthy and everything fine, but your hubbie not. so please get checked and then talk about your chances and options.
Natalie Killingstad
Feel free to talk about anything my dear
I had my 2 boys starting at 38 years old, you have time if you are 31.
Judi McDonnell
I think talking about having kids ( or not) is so bloody normal as a woman! Go for it.. it’s real and it is probably on a lot of women who watch you are asking as well.. I would get a fertility check if it worries you or is in your mind
I had a child at 27 and another at 36! The baby I had at 36 was a beautiful shock
because I’d had miscarriages in between.. so I thought I couldn’t have another. You can’t always plan but being a step ahead is helpful 
Hannah Langley
First time commenter!! I'm a silent watcher, I've been watching for years by the way
the section about discussing wanting kids was so relatable, I am in the same camp. I want to have kids eventually, but I'm almost 28 and I'm nowhere near making that decision to start trying – I have a lot I want to do and achieve first, but I also am very intrigued about fertility testing! I've had so many people say to me I'm missing the boat, and I should really be trying by 30… So I feel fertility testing would give me some peace of mind! Thanks for talking about that online, it's very refreshing and actually quite brave! Xxx
Cindi Wiggins
As someone who went through infertility treatments, it was very intense. Long story short, 3 miscarriages and 8 yrs later I had a beautiful baby boy. Four years after that, another beautiful baby boy without any help/intervention. My advice is that if you are curious, make an appointment with a specialist and discuss what options are open to you at this stage. In my case, I was able to see an infertility specialist because of my miscarriages. I realize the online world can be a brutal one and only share what you are comfortable doing so. It is a very personal journey with ups and downs. Best of luck in whatever you choose to do!
Rosie Key
PLEASE share your story if you feel comfortable doing so. I’m 28 but feel in a similar situation. You seem very you in this
Thank you for sharing xx
Clare King
As I'm now a grandma, I need to say from all the couples I know, waiting too long for kids can be a big mistake. Make sure he's increasing his testosterone and you startling looking after your hormones. These are things you both should do for long term health. Not just for babies.
Sarah S
Can you please do a Chanel makeup look? I would love your take on Chanel makeup.
Thank you SO much for being so open and sharing! I'm in the exact same position of limbo where I'm not ready to have kids yet, but also feel like I 'should' in the next couple of years. But like you, I'm making the most of this time to travel and continue to grow my career. I'm so grateful you spoke about this as it can feel like such an alienating position to be in. Sending lots of love! x
I’m 33 and I had a miscarriage last year and a few other things happened. So we did a joint fertility testing and it was so helpful. Knowledge is power. We both had small issues which the testing showed but because we got pregnant they didn’t see as an issue for now. Currently 24 weeks pregnant again. Wish I had done it earlier like yourself at 30/31 just to know but definitely both have to do it.
Ana Barlič
Omggg one time also a dog came to me and was sat at my legs at my table. It was the sweetest thing and the best feeling
Louise Welsh
Upload whenever is good for you, I’ll still watch whatever the day, I often don’t watch anyones upload on the day it’s uploaded anyway.
Thank you for being so honest in the fertility conversation, very interesting to see the topic being discussed so openly in the comments
Naomi Handler
As much as I loved you before this video, I love you even more after this !!!
Yes we don’t talk about this topic enough.
I haven’t done the fertility testing but what we did was the DNA testing.
My key issue is that doctors don’t know enough about our body, it took doctors 9 years to find out that I have Endometriosis and most likely won’t have kids. That’s 9 years of trying and not knowing why we are failing.
So I’m pro any testing you can do, the more you know the more knowledgeable decision you can make
Tar Mar
loved the fertility chat! I feel like women can freak out at 30 about it but recently got my smear done at a fertility clinic and I expressed my concerns – the nurse was so nice and said the worry is common but that for most its really not something to be concerned about before 35 and that gave me a lot of peace (ie if you get to 35 and you want to wait a few more years and do egg freezing), you can test you're blood for AMH which will give you an indication of how your egg count is looking but the results are just for how your doing now and it is something that changes from a stretch of months to another stretch, I spontaneously ended up getting an inter-vaginal scan of my ovaries while I was there which was an instant way to check my egg count and we counted them together, it definitely also gave me peace of mind seeing a healthy amount and no obvious issues with my ovaries. Hope that helps a little!
I adore your energy in this video! I feel like you really showed yourself more and it's so refreshing to have someone be so honest
Danielle Sturm
I'm in the same exact boat as you. I am planning to make an appointment soon to get my fertility checked. I'm turning 34 this year and may not have kids til I'm 35/36. I feel so much pressure right now fertility wise!! But I'm pretty sure they can check all your hormones and the quality of your eggs to give you a good picture of how fertile you are. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the subject. Love from North Carolina!
Hannah Barnsley
Thank you for talking about fertility so openly. It’s so refreshing to hear. As someone who had to go through fertility treatment to get pregnant I 100% recommend getting your fertility checked as soon as possible. If I’d known when I was in the “I want kids in a few years” phase that we’d have issues and need ivf then I would have done it all sooner. Finding out you’ll struggle when you’re ready to start that family and actively trying is heartbreaking so knowing in advance is such important knowledge to have. But I’d also say don’t just leave it at your fertility. Male factor issues are huge and forgotten about a lot and male factor isn’t talked about enough.
My egg count was low at 31 so I’ll be collecting more eggs before we go through full treatment for the next child. Your egg count not only get lower as you get older but the quality gets lower. So earlier eggs, better quality. There are so many options available once you know where your fertility is so knowing at this moment in time is such a great idea in my opinion. Good luck with it all if you decide to do it
Jac M
This is one of my favourite vlogs you’ve ever done Suzie!
love the open and deep conversations and seeing you happy!
Love the fertility chat. I want to start trying after I get married next year and I've begun to talk about fertility almost obsessively to people because i'm scared I'll encounter problems, so apologies to everyone in my life lol
Imogen Fraser
How do I make a vision board? What programme do you use to make yours?
Katie P
Hi Suzie! I think it’s great you’re speaking so honestly about a topic that affects most women in the world! Speaking from experience I have tested my AMH and also frozen my eggs, and for me it was really empowering and gave me a lot of peace of mind. I’m in my 30’s and decided it would be the best thing for me to not worry and enable me to build my career and achieve some other goals before starting a family (much like you were saying in your blog)
I would really recommend checking out a great website called FertilityIQ it’s fantastic and has short video courses you can watch to get really specific info on all aspects of fertility, and it helps to debunk lots of myths. I believe it’s ran by doctors so it’s very credible. If you do ever decide to go down the road of freezing your eggs what’s important is to pick a reputable clinic with a good lab and established history in freezing and thawing embryos…
Anyways hope this comment is helpful to you and your journey
Ps – love your blogs! X
Danay Hernandez
Hi Suzie! Thank you so much for this. I am exactly in the same boat as you and I have my first appointment to discuss fertility soon. I agree with you wholeheartedly and it is definitely a taboo subject. I wish others did speak about it, although, I understand why they don’t. The interweb is a cruel place. Just feels lonely to be on this precautionary journey of ensuring everything is okay.
Victoria De La Cruz
Re: fertility testing. 1000% do some baseline hormone testing (FHA, nutrient deficiencies etc). Unless those results are not ideal I would not go down egg retrievals which is how you would test for quality/quantity. Def talk to a dr about any deficiencies and start on supplements if needed. You probably will not need anything but the reassurance of knowing is 10000% worth it
Lucy Workman
Thanks for sharing, look forward to hearing what you decide to do. I think it could be good to have tests to see if there are any obvious issues. When you do want to start a family try to not put pressure on it and expect it to happen straight away, enjoy the process!
Caroline Morris
I love that you are thinking about your fertility now…as women we need to have all the knowledge about our own bodies to do what is right for us….from starting our periods to the menopause…knowledge is power.
And in a relationship where you are talking about having children in the future…as someone who met my husband at 35, married at 38.
After lots of amazing adventures as a couple I went to my GP at 39 to talk about my fertility and she said to keep doing what I was doing and come back…looking back not the best advice. I eventually got tested at 40 with no issues coming back but obviously I was 40!
I started my one free round of IVF through the NHS at 41 still not being given much all round advice but trying do it myself to have the best chance as they can only advise on what research has proven. This round failed…this pain is immense.
Before I started a second round I armed myself with greater knowledge, researched the best diet and vitamins to take for my fertility/eggs/womb lining, what food to avoid and went to acupuncture. With a huge added dose of hope…I doubled the amount of eggs at egg collection and the quality…and finally gave birth to a healthy baby boy at 42.
Being a Mummy has made all my dreams come true…and I'm so proud of what I achieved.
For me you can make a difference and when you look into what it takes to get pregnant in your monthly cycle you do wonder how anyone actually gets pregnant….mind blowing!
All the information you will come across and be told by others can be overwhelming but take the bits that you feel will work for you and trust your gut! As something that works for one might not work for another as we are all unique. You will also find a supportive community out there especially on Instagram, I did at the time I was doing it. But sometimes you need to quietly do things on your own to protect your mental health.
References in the UK Zita West, Fertility Network UK
The book 'It Starts with an Egg'
I hope that helps and look forward to seeing your journey where ever that leads you.
Chloe Cook
I am in the same situation you are (the limbo phase!) I used Hertility as a fertility test. It has defo reassured me, I got a really thorough report back and they offer additional scans etc. All my results were normal which definitely gave me some reassurance that I don’t need to rush anything right now. I’m aware that the results don’t guarantee anything but I just felt like it was quite nice to know nothing was amiss in my body if that makes sense! And if something was amiss, at least I’d know now so I can do something about it before it’s too late (e.g egg freezing)
Rach Bryant
I swear by our Chinese medicine doctor in Hong Kong. She specialises in fertility, and gave me herbs to keep me fertile and then different herbs when we wanted to start trying. I was 37 and we managed to get pregnant on the first month of trying. Highly recommend a good Chinese medicine doctor for this. She also straight up told me when she felt my fertility was dropping and I should make it a priority
Amanda Nelson
Great blog hun , I’m 42! I had my son at 38 after 10 months of trying and blood test etc , they didn’t say much so we kept trying and 10 later
,my partner is 7 years older as well . Things will work out xxx