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14 Mar

Is Brazil’s Beauty Market Finally in Rebound Mode?

SAO PAULO — Brazil is on the point of dance.

Buffeted by three years of recession, heavy taxes, soaring unemployment and lingering political turmoil, the country’s beauty industry — ranked number 4 on the earth — is starting to search out its footing and regain its rhythm.

“Last 12 months was the 12 months of recovery in Brazil,” said Artur Grynbaum, chief executive officer of Grupo Boticário, one in all the country’s leading beauty corporations, who noted that gross domestic product has suffered severe contractions since 2014 and predicted it might take a decade for the general economy to achieve prime condition. As for now, though, “It’s more normal.”

Daniel Rachmanis, president of Latin America for the Estée Lauder Cos. Inc., can be bullish. The corporate has notched nine consecutive years of growth in Brazil — even through the two worst recession years, 2015 and 2016 — since establishing the Latin American region in 2009. “After three very, very bad years economically for the country by way of investment, consumption and business on the whole, we’re beginning to see the tip of the tunnel, probably at the tip of 2018, starting of 2019,” said Rachmanis. “We’re a good outlook for the country and for our business in Brazil.”

Such optimism shouldn’t be unfounded. Historically, the wonder industry in Brazil accelerates two to thrice faster than the national economy, in keeping with João Carlos Basilio, president of ABIHPEC (the Brazilian Association of Industry of Personal Hygiene, Perfumery and Cosmetics). For instance, when the GDP eked out a slim 1 percent gain in 2017, the industry grew 2.77 percent. This 12 months, GDP growth is seen hitting 3 percent, partly resulting from the cash expected to be spent across the presidential election in October, and Basilio predicts Brazil’s beauty industry will show a sales gain of 6 to 9 percent.

In total, Euromonitor International estimates the scale of the Brazilian beauty and personal-care market at $32.1 billion for 2017, putting it behind the U.S., China and Japan amongst single countries. Brazil was third before the recession hit and its currency, the true, was devalued. Euromonitor is projecting 2018 sales of $33.5 billion.

When it comes to product categories, the country has slipped from first to second in fragrance on a monetary value basis, but stays the leader in fragrance volume measured in tons. Various market sources expect the country to regain the lead in value as well inside two to 4 years. Brazil is third in hair care behind the U.S. and China and fifth in color cosmetics, trailing the U.S., Japan, China and the U.K.

“Brazil posted a positive GDP growth in 2017 and the scenario ahead points to growth figures as well,” said Elton Morimitsu, senior research analyst at Euromonitor. But concerns about unemployment persist and shoppers are still cautious, meaning “that demand shouldn’t be yet expected to post a major boost over 2018,” he said. “Many still argue that the crisis shouldn’t be over.”

João Paulo Ferreira, ceo of Natura Cosmeticos SA, Brazil’s beauty leader, in keeping with Euromonitor, is one person taking a wait-and-see note. “Now we have to be cautious,” he said. “Two years ago, 2016, was the worst 12 months in history for our sector.”

There are clouds of worry on the horizon. Although he’s overall confident about growth, Basilio said one concern is that a number of the 26 state governments will probably be tempted to boost their already record high tax rate, which go as much as 42 percent. Lots of the budgets are within the red from the recession and wonder already pays the very best amount of any of the industries, he said. The tax codes fluctuate from state to state and the levies differ from product to product.

Those are the local charges. Import duties charged on foreign products can double the worth of a product, in keeping with some estimates.

Taxation can be a persistent issue. “If there’s one thing that will increase the penetration of the category and the event of the most important sector here, it will be an comprehensible, easy, stable tax system,” said Ferreira.

Despite astronomical taxes, executives speak about Brazilian consumers’ resiliency. Consumers here see beauty as an integral a part of their habit, particularly because it shouldn’t be unusual to take two or three showers a day, driving a desire for a clean and fresh look that applies to not only hair and body products but fragrance, too.

Nor have people stopped buying beauty due to recession — they are only purchasing in a different way. Grynbaum calls the patron tactics “smart shopping,” when a customer opts for a lower-priced item she will be able to live with to avoid wasting room within the budget for a premium fragrance or other product she really wants.

Consumers have gotten increasingly sophisticated of their tastes, too. “Twelve years ago, Brazil was following what was occurring outside,” said Dionisio Ferenc, vp of world wonderful fragrance at International Flavors & Fragrances. “Now, over the previous couple of years, it has been creating its own olfactive identity, a Brazilian way of freshness. It’s not a typical freshness, a citrus note as in Europe,” he continued. “It’s way more of a functional sort of freshness since it is connected to the sensation of fresh.”

Olfactively, scents have gotten more complex, and there’s a requirement for quality, like an insistence that a spritz last eight hours, which is increasingly reflected within the selling price. A 100-ml. fragrance from Boticário or Natura can cost $60, $70 and even $80 a bottle, Ferenc said, versus about $30 12 or 14 years ago. “You possibly can define it as masstige,” Ferenc said, “but it surely’s getting higher and better.”

The remarkable diversity of Brazil’s population of 209 million people has created the necessity for broad makeup ranges. Rachmanis said Brazilian women use on average eight makeup products frequently and that lip products, mascara and eye shadow are all “huge.”  

Despite the barriers to doing business, Brazil’s competitive landscape is crammed with a solid of international giants duking it out, led by Unilever, and a remarkable bench of local players — Natura & Co., Grupo Boticário and Grupo Granado specifically. In Euromonitor’s rating of market leaders by sales for 2017,  Natura was first, Unilever second and Grupo Boticário third.

The Brazilian beauty conglomerates have transformed during the last 10 or 12 years, entering markets in Latin America and Europe, constructing stores, adding brands, making acquisitions and upgrading product quality.

“We would like to be one in all the highest corporations in cosmetics on the earth,” said Ferreira. “Hopefully we’re going to be in the highest 10 corporations.” WWD’s Beauty Inc. 2017 Top 100 rating of the world’s largest beauty corporations puts Natura in 18th place with 2017 consolidated net revenue of 9.85 billion Brazilian reals, or $3.09 billion.

Natura began its global push in 2010, quickly realizing that to grow the business organically and diversify by way of brands, channels and geographies would take too long. So the corporate looked around for acquisition targets that shared its commitments to community, social responsibility, and environmental sustainability. In 2012, it acquired Aesop, and in September, bought the Body Shop from L’Oréal.

After the Aesop acquisition, Natura, which controls nearly 60 percent of the direct-selling business locally, turned its attention back to Brazil “to revamp our home-based business and the Natura brand, primarily in Brazil,” Ferreira said. The reply was to modernize the worth proposition for Natura’s army of 1.7 million sales consultants. Most recently, that has meant digitizing operations, allowing sales reps to plug into Natura’s recent platform. An enormous glass-enclosed information center towers in the middle of Natura’s São Paulo complex, the partitions covered with digital screens glowing with real-time evaluation on sales activities in the sector.

The sales representatives go onto the Natura network for business, creating contacts by an element of just about 10 and a possible increase in sales by 20 percent. But additionally they take part in company-supported causes like public education and environmental protection, particularly within the rainforest, Ferreira identified.

Up to now, 500,000 representatives have plugged into the brand new platform and Ferreira expects that number to achieve a million by yearend.

The efforts appear to have worked. Natura, the brand, has resumed growing market share in Brazil.

“We recovered the leadership in core categories for us,” Ferreira said.

When it comes to geographic expansion, 1.2 million of the 1.7 million consultants are working in Brazil. Natura is now in Argentina and Mexico — the corporate’s two best markets outside of Brazil — plus Chile, Peru and Colombia.

Across Latin America, direct-selling represents roughly 30 percent of the cosmetics, fragrance and toiletries market, Ferreira said. But he admitted that “irrespective of how good we turn around our direct-selling experience, some shoppers is not going to use it.”

So Natura has began opening stores. Up to now, there are 26 in operation: 19 in Brazil, one in Argentina, one in Chile, three within the Paris area, one in Recent York and one in Recent Jersey — with ambitions to construct many, many more. The French and American stores also may be used to construct brand awareness and test those markets.  

For example, Roger Schmid, global adviser on sustainability and innovation for Natura, is on the point of launch a set of luxury fragrances, a primary for the corporate. Priced at $95 for a 1.7-oz. eau de toilette, the scents will probably be showcased within the brand’s two Recent York-area stores as Natura’s first luxury-priced fragrances. The launch is ready for the tip of this month, and the aim is to provide consumers a fuller taste of Brazil, beyond bikinis and soccer. The fragrances are positioned as sensual memories of experiences from a journey across the vast Brazilian landscape, as if the wearer has a notebook left from a visit. The names of the scents include Terra, Angelica, Nectar and Jacaranda and are supposed to trigger those images. Schmid expects to launch a sixth fragrance in June and three more in September; he expects to have 10 fragrances forming an olfactive collage.

Meanwhile, back in São Paulo, Ferreira outlined a future that would make use of synergies offered by The Body Shop’s and Aesop’s far-flung store networks. He envisions Natura stores in 70 countries inside 10 years.

The job of tuning up the Body Shop belongs to David Boynton, who has been recruited because the ceo of that division. After the acquisition, the corporate reorganized under the banner of Natura & Co. and appointed separate ceo’s for the divisions — Aesop and Body Shop, with Ferreira heading up Natura.

“We would like all of the three businesses to be very healthy before we start doing things together, or a lot of things,” said Ferreira. While praising Body Shop managers for doing an “excellent job,” especially in Asia and the Middle East, he conceded that a couple of markets just like the U.S. and Germany are underperforming.

“The Body Shop needs an entire overhaul, and Aesop is doing great, but it surely’s growing fast and it has this challenge of corporations that grow fast and want to grow profitably and still be true to their decisions,” he said of the U.S. “2019 will probably be the 12 months where you’re going to see a variety of synergies, primarily in developing additional businesses. “

Asked about fixing the U.S. business, Ferreira mentioned two foremost streams of attack for The Body Shop. The primary has to do with the efficiencies of closing stores, optimizing costs and opening units in various geographies.

The opposite stream is renewal. “It’s a brand whose causes would talk thoroughly with young consumers, Millennials,” he said. “Nevertheless it requires a recent speech since it’s type of within the Nineties.”

While Natura was transforming itself right into a multibrand, multichannel global player, the competition was also busy.

Grupo Boticário, based in Curitiba, Brazil, launched a 10-year transformation drive, consisting of constructing two factories, a distribution center and a research and development lab. The result: a flotilla of latest brands, some with their very own chain of stores.

Most recently, in early March, it acquired Vult Cosmética, an accessibly priced brand with distribution in drugstores, supermarkets and shops. Grynbaum described it as a brand for patrons who love makeup but lack the budget.

Vult is the sixth-largest color cosmetics brand in Brazil, in keeping with Euromonitor.

The acquisition was the most recent move in a market segmentation designed to focus and extend Boticário’s reach, not only with different retail channels but various price ranges — entry, regular and premium prices — throughout the brands, Grynbaum said.

Previous launches included Eudora, designed as multichannel, but functioning because the group’s entry into the direct-selling field. Then got here Quem Disse, Berenice? (meaning “Who said, Berenice?”) a provocative makeup brand positioned as a cosmetics specialist; Beauty Box, a series of stores selling internationally, just like Sephora, and Multi B, (as in beauty) that supplies product for multibrand stores and pharmacies. Drugstores are rapidly growing as retailers buy up units and create American-style drugstore chains. Vult is supposed to work through the Multi B network.

Between 2013 and 2017, the Quem Disse, Berenice? brand opened 240 shops, and Beauty Box has 53 stores. “We’re performing higher than the typical of the market because we’re way more dynamic in [our] multiplatform with multibrands and multichannels,” said Grynbaum.

Internationally, Boticário has greater than 100 shops and expects to open 40 more. There are eight units in Colombia with plans to open 30 more single-brand stores there within the years to come back. Boticário’s strongest foreign foray is in Portugal, where it has 54 O’Boticário stores and eight Quem Disse, Berenice? shops.

There are thoughts about opening retail units in Europe, apart from Portugal, or the U.S. perhaps in California, Grynbaum said, stressing a recent concept could be required. The corporate does business within the U.S. through a website online.

Brazilians are very aware of their market’s transformation. Grynbaum says product quality is more vital than up to now. “Once we talked about quality within the Eighties, it was superb in the event you had [it]. Now the Brazilian customer has had the chance to check the local products with the international products. For this reason, the industry here has a really high level of innovation and of quality.”

Brazilians definitely have been traveling. Rachmanis of Lauder said Brazilians spend $2 on the road for each $1 they spend at home. While Lauder is clearly dug into Brazil for the long haul, another foreign firms see the country with its many headaches and lack of predictability as more of a duty-free and travel-retail play.

As for the third major Brazilian group, Grupo Granado, having products that may compete with the very best goods from Europe and the U.S. is the sport plan of its ceo, Christopher J.O. Freeman. He’s had a store on the Rue Bonaparte in Paris for nearly five years, and uses it for a lot of things, including a barometer. Freeman believes the international experience will help him escape the pitfall of manufacturers in other Brazilian industries that felt secure in simply copying best-selling foreign goods because Brazil was a closed economy and consumers weren’t going overseas like they are actually.

“My goal is to make certain that we’re as competitive as possible, in comparison with our international rivals,” he said, “in order that if sooner or later the economy opens — which step by step it can need to — then we’re prepared by way of quality, efficiency and the whole lot else to compete with other people.”

Granado was founded in Rio in 1870 and is taken into account Brazil’s oldest pharmacy. It operates out of the spacious, original store in Rio’s picturesque port, decorated with colonial furnishings and assortments of eye-catching, colourful products.

In Europe, Granado has a 900-square-foot Paris shop, a kiosk in Bon Marché, a pop-up shop in Lisbon. In Brazil, there are 60 stores, which have been opening on the pace of about 10 a 12 months.

Freeman and his daughter Sissi Freeman, Granado’s marketing and sales director, have mapped out a retail rollout plan for Europe. This month they begin entering Sephora with the intention of opening 220 doors. As well as, they plan on opening Granado stores in Europe at the speed of two to 4 stores a 12 months, then step by step step up the pace to 10 annually, like in Brazil. Within the meantime, they intend to maintain opening stores at home.

They’ve loads of help, because of a partnership struck up with the Barcelona-based Puig, which bought a minority stake that would amount to 30 percent of the corporate, for an estimated 1 billion Brazilian reals, or $306 million. That helped Granado reduce the bank debt for its recent $150 million factory, which no less than doubled production capability, in keeping with Christopher Freeman, who declined to comment on the sale numbers.

The Freemans have entered right into a cross-selling enterprise with Puig, through which the Granado staff sells Puig’s masstige fragrances — like Antonio Banderas and Shakira — into pharmacies, while Puig personnel sell Granado’s premium-priced products into upscale perfumeries. The entire sales turnover was $150 million last 12 months, the second 12 months within the row of 12 percent increases. Prior to that gains averaged 20 percent, he said.

Granado also owns a historic brand, Phebo, that was created in 1930, consisting of a bar soap that became ubiquitous. The Freemans bought it in 2004 from Sara Lee and have been developing it as a perfumery-style brand — specializing in fragrances — while Granado is more representative of non-public and body care, skincare and pharmacy brands. A Phebo concept store has been created, which focuses on fragrance fairly than soap. Sissi Freeman said the organization expects to construct the fragrance business into the number-one category within the shops inside three years.

With a lot of the wonder world’s volume still being done through direct-selling and e-commerce and social media gaining traction quickly, little attention appears to be paid to the tiny luxury segment, which occupied 4 percent of the market and is dominated by international brands. Lauder, with a 34.9 percent market share, in keeping with data from Segmenta, is the market leader. Puig is second with 16.9 percent, followed by L’Oréal with 11.3 percent. While conceding that the prestige market is small, Rachmanis said it’s growing faster than the overall market, 9 percent versus 5 percent.

When Lauder launched its first MAC store in Brazil 15 years ago, it was a prestige pioneer. Because Brazil had neither traditional shops nor premiere perfumeries, the corporate had no alternative but to create its own distribution. Today Lauder operates 77 freestanding stores — 60 MAC units, 10 Clinique, six Jo Malone and one La Mer. In a rustic dominated by door-to-door selling specialists, Lauder does 80 percent of its business on a direct-to-consumer basis. MAC also does brick-and-mortar through Sephora, which is predicted to have about 36 stores by the tip of the 12 months. E-commerce is a robust channel, too, growing thrice faster than brick-and-mortar.

The corporate markets 12 brands in Brazil and is coordinating the launch of Too Faced with Sephora later this 12 months; in fragrances, the push is behind Tom Ford and Jo Malone. It doesn’t sell its hair-care brands, Aveda and Bumble and bumble, in Brazil, but Rachmanis said he’s actively trying to achieve this.

While many corporations have kept their footing through the recession, others just can’t seem to search out the beat. Although Avon Products Inc. has long been a force in Brazil, and has been identified because the leader of the colour cosmetics category by Euromonitor, the subsidiary took a blistering on May 3 through the company’s first-quarter investor’s call. The relatively recent ceo Jan Zijderveld reported a 4 percent revenue decline, largely driven by continuing falls in Brazil, and other top markets, as “simply unsatisfactory.”

For its part, Coty Inc. is looking to ascertain itself within the mass market because the third-largest personal care and wonder manufacturer, behind Unilever and L’Oréal. The worldwide marketer became a significant Brazilian manufacturer in February 2016 when it acquired a half-dozen top-ranked Brazilian brands from Hypermarcas SA. The combination includes heritage brands like Monange, which is 50 years old; Paixo; Risque, the nail-polish leader; Biocolor hair colorant, and Bozzano men’s care.

Although global in scope, Coty Inc. has gone local with 80 percent of its business being done within the country by Brazilian brands. The corporate is searching for more acquisition targets and it’s knitting together its São Paulo-based culture of two,500 employees, constructing its infrastructure, particularly by investing in digital. “Digital has really democratized beauty globally and ladies now can access recent trends, recent looks, fashion suggestions at the clicking of a sensible phone,” said Al Symington, senior vp of ALMEA (Asia, Latin America, Middle East and Africa), adding that few people have bank cards and a variety of e-commerce retailers don’t accept money on delivery in Brazil. “It’s still very much a money economy. But that’s going to vary.”

Symington predicted that a “tipping point” will probably be reached when consumers search for “a more enlightened and exciting beauty shopping experience.” He concluded, “there must be a safer approach to paying for purchases.” One solution could be to permit customers to deposit money right into a social network account, then pay by smartphone like a debit card.

“E-commerce will play an enormous role in that and digital on the whole. But there’s still a job to play, obviously, within the more traditional retail,” Symington said. “The best way you coordinate your off line traditional retail along with your online e-commerce is absolutely the important thing.”

In a fast-moving, complex market like Brazil, local knowledge is king. At the very least that’s the assumption of Procter & Gamble. “Our key competitive advantage is the understanding that we’ve got of the patron,” said Isabella Zakzuk, marketing beauty director of P&G Brazil.

She ticked of the each day habits of consumers, who drive Brazil’s $4.4 billion hair-care market. P&G ranks third available in the market behind Unilever and L’Oréal, in keeping with Euromonitor.

“We’re talking a couple of consumer that uses from six to seven different brands of hair care in a single 12 months —14 to fifteen bottles of hair care. Greater than half of those consumers use greater than 4 products of their hair daily,” she said.

Women use so many treatments of their hair after shampooing that Brazil has develop into number-one on the earth for post-shampoo conditioning, treating and repairing, a category P&G is targeting with problem-solving technology.

The strategy is working. The P&G hair-care division has increased its sales by 20 percent within the last three years and Pantene has been trading number-one and number-two rankings in a dance with Unilever’s Seda.

A part of the strategy was to launch the Three Minute Miracle Day by day Conditioner with ampoules and to ramp up Pantene TV promoting. One other innovation was so as to add digital content to increase reach. In 2017, P&G launched a reality show which featured 10 women rhapsodizing about the fantastic thing about their hair. It’s now in its second edition.

Conversations in regards to the way forward for Brazil normally end with questions of what comes next with the economy, if not the presidential election. “Brazil goes to be the country of the longer term,” said Alex Serodia, a young entrepreneur who founded the Beleza na Web e-commerce company. “You’ve all the time got to concentrate on the long run in Brazil, because you’ll be able to get too excited with the short term after which get frustrated afterward.”

It looks as if the opportunities haven’t gone unnoticed. Juliana Martins, beauty and personal-care senior specialist at Mintel, remarked how recent points of sale are popping up. Not only are pharmacy chains and malls being built, but foreign brands are moving in. She pointed to Kiko Milano, a November 2016 entry; the French-based L’Occitane au Brésil, which in 4 years has begun expanding by opening recent franchises, and the French Yves Rocher, which inaugurated its first franchise within the south region of Brazil in December 2016.

“For the subsequent few years,” Martins concluded, “the wonder and personal-care sector can have the prospect to resume sales growth just as before the economic crisis.”

She described the state of the Brazilian industry as “dynamic and competitive.”

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