R.I.P. to this absolute reading LEGEND! Her and Wendy were carrying television within the 2000s. Bring them back!
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#fashionpolice #joanrivers #funnymoments #offensivetea #funny #moments #iconic #stantwitter #cringe #meme
The way winona will never escape that thief joke
Joan Rivers was and is still an icon even today. Her humour, personality and criticism are unmatched.
She really didn’t let the bitches breath
love the text effect at 7:07 , use it more
When you can gag Wendy you know you’re not a piece of cake, lethal shadesss

Very funny
ion wanna be regina george i wanna be joan rivers
4:25 is insane
I am gooped, gagged and my wig is SNATCHED honey
Her jewelry was always on point
she died exposing Michelle Obama
Queen 4ever
Dying breed of comedians. RIP queen
She was AN ICON
I miss this era of TV… SUNDAY NIGHTS were the SHIT ON E!
I'm gonna go to HELL for how HARD I laughed at this

RIP queen

This was my comfort show. I miss her so much.
I can't wait to meet her someday
Joan Rivers could not exist today in todays cancel culture. I bet she wouldn’t want to either.
I miss Joan so much what a hilarious little lady
I hadn't hear the "Obama gay and Michelle is trans. Wow.
wild we let this woman criticize and bully others for their appearance while looking the way she did.
350lbs thin had me LOSING IT at work. i had to stop the video and explain to my coworkers what was happening
An icon, a legend, god I miss her and this type of humour, most people are too afraid to make such jokes nowadays
You know what, thank God Joan died in peace already, we wouldn't be able to enjoy her kind of humor nowadays. RIP Rivers
gen Z kids just didn't live during this age of crude/rude humour

…… yall need to understand that the 2000s and early 2010's were about eating or being eaten.
People were aware about their jokes being racist/homophobic/misogynistic but everything focused more on substance and quality intead of being "respectful or diverse".
This is why I saw a teenage girl cry during pride when a middle-aged gay guy screamed "WHERE MY F—-ING F-GGOTS AT?", and then tried to educate him on the F SLUR

They couldn’t handle her in this generation
She’s grandcunt, I love her
Lmao she talked to much
about Mexican lmao I can’t! I’m Mexican and I loved this lady so much lmao she was hilariously
I love how she says waht she wants