2 Best pimples treatments hacks for clear skin! Jose Zuniga explains how you can eliminate pimples as fast as possible using science.
Add these 2 easy self-care habits to your morning routine and see the way you will glow up immediately!
#josezuniga #pimples #selfcare
Nu uh
Big Dumpy
The most important thing for your skin is your diet, the healthier you are the better your skin will be. If it’s your hormones causing your acne then a chemical exfoliator or a retinol will help.
Botond Bóta
Just 8 weeks

and the supplement is super cheap too, its only 3 to 4 dollars in my country
Does Ricin oil work?
Has he made a video about making your skin lighter?
If he has can someone send link?
Stu And Other Brawlers
Or just hit the gym
Taunt Mex
I mean you can just fast
Mogammad Yaaseen Jones
“Do this to see results immediately”. “After just 8 weeks …”
Mohammed Aymaan.
Whats the bg music name?
step 1 wash your face with soap everyday
bro this man use every equipment there is in the whole world and still is looking pretty average
Elizabeth Maria
I've tried various products, but Dermalmd Acne Serum is the one that's truly made a difference. It's given me relief from breakouts and improved my skin
Luke Hash
Or stop being scammed and just eat a can of sardines has both the fatty acids and omega 3s and is wayyyy cheaper
Isn't omega 3 in acne
Don’t get it without consulting your gp guys
I have washed my face with cleanser in years, just stop eating crap food
Avi Sawn
Better advice,: go to a dermatologist?
Project Zenith
Drink Water = Moist Face
Nikita Mukha
Херня, омега это круто но большенство из тех что есть на рынке просто ничего не делают, дело в питании и загрязнении кишечника, убрать omega6 из рациона и сбалансировать свое питание, пробуйте herbalife Nutrition