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8 Jun

Lil Nas X Says Fame Made Him Realize He’s

Lil Nas X is so hot, he could melt an iron beam like a stick of butter. He’s so hot that, if he were a menu item, he would include 4 chili peppers and a Surgeon General’s warning. When Montero Lamar Hill began his 2019, he was 20 years old with a SoundCloud mixtape; the subsequent 12 months, he was probably the most nominated male artist on the Grammys. He’s so hot that, when Yves Saint Laurent Beauty was casting for the launch of a recent lipstick in 2022, the corporate had no alternative but an unprecedented one, and LNX became the primary male rapper to front a makeup campaign in marketing history.

Just days before crystallizing into Swarovski Choupette on the Met Gala, he made himself available for a brief slice of time to speak beauty, hotness, Euphoria vibes, and Pineapple Fanta. This conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity. But not by much!

Lil Nas X arrived on the 2023 Met Gala covered in silver body paint, crystals, and little else.

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

Allure: That is your second YSL Beauty campaign, and your first was an enormous deal in that it showed a male celebrity wearing makeup in a fun and cosmetic way. Do you think that that boundaries between men and makeup are finally coming down?

Lil Nas X: I believe in due time, it’ll be so much higher than where it’s right away. I believe we now have a protracted technique to go.

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