Look Great For Less This Fall | Wearable Fashion Trends 2022
There’s nothing worse than buying clothes that hang in your wardrobe and do not get worn. There are numerous reasons for this and in today’s video I’m explaining why it happens and learn how to avoid it going forward. I also thought it was an incredible opportunity to share just a few easy money-saving style tricks to assist you to look your easiest without breaking the budget. In my mind it at all times is smart to fantastic tune things slightly before a recent season when the temptation is at all times there to buy more and for brand new clothes because we expect that owning those items will solve all our style problems. So if you might have any suggestions and tricks to share on the way you save $$$ on clothes or the way you prevent yourself from buying fashion that hands in your closet and never gets worn then I’d love to listen to them within the comments below.
Big because of Vanish for sponsoring today’s episode.
Vanish’s brand mission is to assist love your clothes for longer and their products make that occur which is why I’m delighted to be working with Vanish to bring you today’s video.
Vanish is set to play a key part in helping to scale back textile waste and helping people embrace sustainable consumption. Vanish is doing this by generating awareness of the impact fast fashion has on our planet and in our landfills whilst providing tangible ways to learn learn how to repair and take care of clothing with longevity in mind.
As you will notice in today’s episode Vanish partnered with Dress for Success, an incredible not-for-profit organisation for his or her recent Recycle the Runway fashion show in Rotorua which I used to be lucky enough to be invited to evaluate. Vanish sponsored the Landfill Challenge where participants were challenged to save lots of unloved items discarded usually landfill waste and convey them back to life with Vanish products and creativity to repurpose them into something completely recent and loved. Vanish’s Live for Longer statement couldn’t be more true on this category, where one person’s trash really is one other person’s treasure. So far Vanish has donated $38,000 to Dress for Success in addition to products for his or her clients so that they may also help their preloved work attire live many lives. How cool?
Big because of Vanish for sponsoring today’s episode and helping to coach about making a positive difference to our planet.
See you in the following one.
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wearable fashion trends 2022
gina d
Absolutely great advice thank's Leonie.????????
Angela Green
Having a wish list is my go to. Checking in once in awhile for a sale or coupons offered for qualifying items on my wish list is my favorite shopping method. Then there's those impulses that were great buys of stuff I use on a regular bases.
Sun Shine30
Great ideas! Granny trained us decades ago to be smart shoppers and all 3 of us never waste money on clothing,boots,shoes or handbags.We look after our items with respect and get alterations done on expensive items that we will continue to wear.Better to spend $300 on lovely boots than spend $50 on cheap ones that will barely last a season!
G Brown
Great advice – thanks Leonie.
Susan Ma
Buy an outfit? I never do that, but it reminds me of a show I used to watch–it was called "Fashion Avenue" and it starred Jodie Kidd. That's basically what she did in each episode, and it was so different from my own approach, plus everything she bought was $$$$$, but it gave me some inspiration. They showed it in Hong Kong, and believe me, there is precious little to watch on TV in mainland China. Luckily I could pick up HK television shows where I lived in Guangzhou and I enjoyed the variety of programs they had!
Susan Ma
4:05 made me chuckle for some reason. Who sits on the floor to fold laundry? (Actually one of my fave youtubers does it–she sits in front of her camera and folds baby clothes as she talks). But who folds their clean laundry and sets it on the floor? Not me.
All Things Lizz
Almost all my blazers are thrifted. I also hang dry all my clothes. Every year I change my outfits, it’s still clothes I’ve had for years. But what I don’t wear this year I’ll wear next. I do purchase clothing every year, but something trendy. Purging is my weakness, but I have done a lot of that this year (donated 2 trunk loads, yikes!).
I relate these tips to sewing the right patterns and buying the right fabrics for me
I'll stop wasting money and time too!! Great advice except for the Vanish BS, these overpriced products just doesn't work. I might save money on clothes but I'll waste money on cleaning products that won't work, that doesn't make sence at all! I skipped the advertising part of the video. Best wishes from Switzerland, yours truly Katrin
jacqueline schael
It's so true that sales can be an enticing way to over buy. It triggers some type of psychological satisfaction that can end up more costly than paying full price.
Great advice video, Leonie. I will keep this one forever!
melinda ferreira
wow. This is such a pearl of wisdom.. does it fit your lifestyle? i have several thrifted blazers but the reality is i rarely wear them because i am a stay home mom, a full time caregiver for my elderly mom and while i do dress up occasionally and i am careful about my appearance as a 51 year old ( i don't want to look sloppy), i prefer structured pieces. I find i rarely gravitate to these pieces.. in addition to living in a desert climate.. its just too hot to wear them consistently. Agreed. more mindful shopping habits..
Carlsen life after 60 Carlsen
I do the same thing, I take my pieces I want to match with something and also a list of things I need. I never buy clothes just to buy. I always go with a list and pictures of the things I have in my closet.,,????
What’s a blazer alternative for someone who LOVES the look but has a more casual/at home lifestyle?
Jan Lewis
You’re right. I’ve looked at beautiful jackets but I know I would never wear it.
Cartier White
Thank you ????
Once again, great advice! Thanks Leonie
Sara MM
I love the idea of renting. I just spent this year getting healthy and now $100s of dollars worth of premium denim in my closet no longer fit me. Denim of course is worth owning but for items that I might not wear daily or would be large investment pieces I would def consider renting now so body changes won't cause waste down the road.
Sew Much Sewing
I can't remember the last time I bought a whole outfit. I guess its the expense of buying more than one piece at a time that makes buying a whole outfit harder to do. But I do see the sense in it and may well try to make it happen. Yes! I am guilty of buying (or sewing) the same piece over and over, it is way too easy to fall into that trap. But I am actually conscious of it and actively work to stop myself doing that. Really good video, lots of great advice.
People's Fashion
Maggie Valois
Love your advice Re. Trends. Please, please Leonie where is your lovely jersey from?
Great tips. Thanks Leonie!
Amphone Burnett
What great tips!!! Thank you!
If I buy a piece it has to go with or complete at least 3 outfits in closet. And I've been trying to only bring in something new if something old goes out. Since I have to much & have been trying to downsize. ????????
Paula Allen
I do not know when I buy something how much I am going to use it. To save money I buy almost everything at thrift and consignment stores, which makes it easy to donate clothes back to those stores when they end up not working for me. I do agree that one must be conscious of the lifestyle one has and not get carried away with clothes that one will probably never use, especially if they are pricey.
Melinda Ferreira
Oh. Goodness uhmm.. I'm constantly editing my closet because I tend to thrift fabulous pieces that are just too good to pass up and they are only a few dollars, the problem is I live in a hot climate and always find amazing outerwear or they just don't fit my lifestyle…. What to do… I like to have those emergency, or you never know when you might need that.. pieces …. I love heels and boots but live in flipflops and sandals day to day. Those occasional times to dress to the nines are few and far between except for my Sunday worship and even then… It's not a completely high fashion ensemble… I have a couple of drawers full of cashmere, mohair and wool sweaters ( thrifted) I live in Arizona where the temps are over 100 + degrees farenheit that I will never be able to wear because we have maybe one month in the entire year of slightly cooler weather where it won't be ridiculous to wear them!!!! Sigh…. I have donated several bags of items but I just can't make myself get rid of these.. not to mention while each one was only a few dollars, in total.. it adds to quite the hefty sum… Same w heels, winter boots..????
Demesne P&I Design
I think most viewers watch out of curiosity. It’s also easiest shopping your own closet when you see “old” trends coming back around again and again and again. It’s rare for anything to forever go out of style.
Julia Uren
Love thrifting just got brand new cargo parts on trend today 3.99 total bargain. Love vanish great product thank you. Love your videos look forward to them every week much appreciated. Your advice is always welcome
Pola Policzkiewicz
I've just realized that <to shop our wardrobe> and to build interesting, different sets, we really need to see all our pieces. If we can't – we have toooo muuuuch!
Gayle Fish
This is very smart. Also, you look adorable with glasses!
Zlatinka Quinones
Thank you Leone you always have our back that’s why we always have your back thank you so much for sharing have a wonderful weekend
Denise Younger
If you online shop try the item with several pieces already in your wardrobe if it does not work return it. Also don’t say yes to an online purchase when u know you don’t love it. Great video ????
Kaylynn Huddleston
For me even though I want the purple boots but always play it safe. I LOVE you advice
Kaylynn Huddleston
I hope you read this. I recently was planning for a rock concert. My black DOC Martins were in my closet. They grew out of style from 2005 and made a resurgence in 2022. Mine are leather and beautiful.. I wanted a big cable cardigan I saw them everywhere, I BUY all my jeans at Old Navy with my bux I traded them for a 17 dollar one. The quality was great. t shirt dresses and denim shirts and cool shoe make an outfit. I go into my closet to shop. I always end up not buying new boots.
Sandy Kerr
Great advice. I think buying tops and jackets that are slightly too small across the back for really comfortable movement has been a habit. Must stop that as they sit in the wardrobe taunting me with their style and colours, but I am not ever going to wear them out anywhere. Opposite issue also is shoulders not quite sitting right so I am off to Spotlight tomorrow to buy shoulder pads as I think that'll allow me to love several pieces that I haven't been wearing. Vanish is an excellent product.
Prayon Kreutz
Some Colors are Really hard to match. Reds, Blues, Greens, Pinks, etc. I have 14 shirts in the "same" color but different shades. I will wear something that I hope to find a match when I go shopping. I am the person that if I find a particular item that I like & is flattering, I will buy it in multiple color ways. & I fluctuate in size. I told my husband I wouldn't need this many clothes if I could just stay 1 size! The only clothing items that I throw away are completely ruined, mainly my husbands 20 year old t shirts, socks & undies!!! LOL
Denise Oates
I have been trying to avoid going into any thrift store or retail and just spending time getting aquainted to what I already possess. Starting to get prepared for Fall and going thru and organizing the my large off season containers by what they contain. Trying to make an effort to actually wear the clothes I got. So, I am going through withdrawls but going thru storage and rediscovering is helping me thru for now. I am discovering I do have a lot of dupes when it comes to all the men's wear I have thrifted over the years. I put my need repair items in a box to work on if I watching TV or on the phone. This was a great video and should be really helpful for those of us that need to reel it in. Thanks for sharing and blessing to you and all in the days to come.
Value Deels
Follow Our Page For More Stylish Fashionable Cloths For Men's and Women's – https://youtu.be/qpmyCBuxqew
Anne Wiseman
Thank you Leonie, your video made me think about my shopping habits….
M San
Thank you Leonie! Another great video! I have made a few of these mistakes and I recognize them now, so thank you for your content!????
Kimberly Perrotis
Often items are on sale or clearance because they didn’t work for others, the style, cut or color might be weird, it doesn’t hang right, etc., so it was frequently returned. I rarely look at sale items, never at clearance, I don’t want to be overly influenced by the low prices and buy things I don’t love. I once ordered a beautiful blazer on sale, but something had gone wrong in the design or sewing, and a human arm just wouldn’t fit into the sleeves! These things happen, but I don’t want to waste time and money on them. If it’s something I really love and I’ve had my eye on, and it goes on sale, great!
Wendy Barker
A fabulous video chock full with wise advice, thank you Leonie. I try to wear a favourite outfit when shopping – if I feel good, I'm less likely to make an impulse/unwise purchase on the day. I think it's also about appreciating and finding new combinations with what I already have, sometimes only a top-up piece or a trendy item is all it takes. A thrifter for 35 years, I've found some beautifully tailored treasures and given them a new home in my wardrobe and on me! I often feel that all the garments I will ever need already exist. The thrill of the hunt!
Kimberly Perrotis
I was once talked into buying a multi-colored skirt that everyone insisted “would go with every color”. I wanted to buy a top to match right then, to have a complete outfit, but was talked out of that, too. No matter what I tried later, even white or black, I never found a top color that looked good with it, what a waste. That’s why I shop for outfits and shop alone, my friends pressured me into buying things that I don’t love and insisted that I didn’t buy things that I did really love. They were vicariously shopping, with my budget, to buy things for their taste, not mine, so that they could borrow them. No more of that!
L. Q.
Great info ????
Kimberly Perrotis
I have no need to wear blazers, but I love them and wear mine all the time. They’re so much more me than black biker jackets, bombers, army jackets or denim ones. My favorite 3-season outfit is a midi skirt, shirt or turtleneck (or knit dress), and a blazer with boots. Of course, not for summer, it was 100F today, ugh. I’m so excited, I just ordered H&M’s first blazer with a breathable lining, it’s 100% linen lined with 100% cotton, perfect for summer mornings and evenings. It sold out in one day, but was restocked, I think they got the message that we want natural fibers, at last! I loathe polyester linings, or anything else poly, that’s what’s stopped me from buying new ones, also the baggy, oversize trend. Even Zara is offering blazers with rayon linings, yay!
Kimberly Perrotis
Vanish is the name of a chlorine-bleach toilet bowl cleaner here in the US! I love BIZ, it’s the best whitener, brightener and stain remover I’ve found, but few stores carry it. Sometimes I have to order it through Amazon. It seems to do everything, I rarely ever need chlorine bleach anymore.
Leslie Maddison
This was great! Especially the last 2 tips. Thank you ????