Daniel Roseberry was present in a ditch
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#northwest #kardashians #kimkardashian #iconic #offensivetea #meme #compilation #funnymoments #stantwitter #edit
the devil doesn't wear prada, the devil wears chanel
She's treating that onion like it's an apple wtf
North is my favorite
North is the karma we all wanted for Kim. And honestly respect to Kim for how she handles her most the timw
This parenting Kim has is weird. She doesn't seem like a figure who is in charge. She just enables this haughty arrogant dismissive Behavior like it's cute and something funny. This behavior is just going to ruin her own life. That's not protecting your kid and that's not reasonable. This is actually going to cause so much damage when she doesn't know how to behave in normal relationships with give and take. She thinks this is normal and this is not. Its straight up rude and problematic. Normal people will step away from people like North because she makes them feel like garbage and unappreciated. When you're young you're supposed to learn empathy so that you can utilize it for the rest of your life. North always gets her way and she thinks that that's her right and that she's somehow better than other people, because she can make adults laugh. They're not laughing at what she said they're laughing at her audacity to speak like that and nobody can say anything cuz she's rich. But still I'll say again that's not going to serve her in any type of friendship in life
She is so disrespectfull but thats Kim's fault so whatever
I cannot express how much I love North

she’s keeping Kim on her toes!
im telling you when north finds out about kim's "2003
" Nobody is Prepared
not the onion
Can’t wait till north gets invited to the met gala. The looks she’ll serve…
criticism from kids is honestly so intimidating

She’s growing up to be a total brat! Why does everyone think this behavior is cute?
North Wintour is coming..
I love Miss North because she's the only one that can bring Miss Kim back down to earth

not to mention she says everything I want to see the Kim
thank you North Star Shining the light on Kim when she being A Shady Lady

North is gonna become one big spoiled brat.. the kardashians rlly need to raise their kids better
but fun to watch LMAO
Dollar Tree pearls ROFL
"you're going to the Met, not to a gas station" LMAO
You do not know how long I've been waiting for this

There is nothing cute nor adorable about this entitled rich brat. She’s only going to grow up to be an even worse adult. No thanks.
This is for all those times as a baby and toddler she had no choice in being taken out to public places and paraded by her parents. She is now getting her revenge.
North is just Kim’s karma in human form.
Kanye’s blood runs strong in that little girl
People in the comments who are loving this energy from a kid right now, will be calling her a B** real soon. Give it a few years.
Kim..pearly girl….
Rose Mcgowan…use that ((costume))
She’s her daddy’s son for SURE
Her eating a whole onion
like wtf is this child 

Honestly North is Kim’s karma and I ain’t gonna lie, I love north for that.
She doesnt give her mom an INCH. It's hilarious.
Kim is such a
North is about to be a bully in school

¨I think you need a lesson on pearls¨
No Kim, she needs another type of lesson!!!
to offense the genius that is Daniel Roseberry and his impeccable designs for Schiaparelli, its just very disrespectful I don't like north and her entitled little self
Ohhh, isn't she precious
Child is always interrupting and rude.
They deserve each other
Creators using the Kamala Harris “do not cum” always sends me.
Kids will never cease to amaze me with their honesty

It’s funny because their family is extremely rich which makes it for norths situation the same as us normal people since the “rich brands and stylists” and rich celebs for her is like ordinary people because in their eyes they’re not rich so for her she doesn’t feel hold back to let her opinion out lol I love it
Honestly it looked so bad and cheap. Mardi gras…
She was chomping on a raw onion
I remember Kim bullying Khloe or Kourtney because their appearance, now she has her karma with North
Of all your videos I’ve watched, this one made me laugh the most by far. North is absolutely SAVAGE and I love it
The editing on the video is hilarious!!!!
north is not just humbling kim but everyone in the fashion industry!
This is why this child is so disrespectful.Her mom allows her to be in grown ups business. And posting it makes matters worst
nah north is HILARIOUS
she’s an icon. she’s a legend.