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  • grossoo Mendez


    April 20, 2023 at 2:49 am
  • grossoo Mendez

    u . u

    April 20, 2023 at 2:49 am
  • Sherolinnah Eang

    Let's Go China and China Town June 8-18th to take ownerships. Parade of Beauty Tour offer you an opportunity to enjoy and promote the best in food, clothing, transportation and real estate in China and China Town with 5+ stars hotel around the world to get paid on results with 10% sales from June 8th-18th and December 23- January 3 for the best in food, clothing, transportation and real estate to be remitted to 5-6 stars hotels where you stay to share 6% to you and those who prepare and promote the events, 3% to build a club house equipped with the best school of hospitality, 1% to 2 happy birthdays lottery to be drawn on June 14th. Shall we make this our work holidays to promote and encourage one another to spend on the best to enjoy the best and be welcomed everywhere with the best Parade of Beauty Tour.

    April 20, 2023 at 2:49 am