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25 Aug

Jennifer Lawrence Doing Absolutely Nothing With Her Hair Is

Jennifer Lawrence Doing Absolutely Nothing With Her Hair Is
I've reached a critical crossroads with my hair — an ideal storm, for those who will. It's totally long right away, which is great, but additionally boring, because before hair could be very long, it needs to be long, and before that, pretty long — so it has been long for a very long time. And on top of that, I'm having an overwhelmingly hectic summer that has left me with little time or motivation to really do anything with said hair. The temptation to cut has been strong. But Jennifer Lawrence has unwittingly swooped in and saved the day.Lawrence was spotted in Latest York City on Wednesday, August 23, looking impossibly cool in dark blue wide-leg pants, a lightweight...
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10 Sep

20 Products You Absolutely Need For Low Porosity Hair

20 Products You Absolutely Need For Low Porosity Hair
Ever notice that the moisture you hoped would penetrate your curls (or scalp) only seems to sit down on top of the surface? Does it often feel like you will have more product build-up versus actually nourishment? Then you will have low porosity tresses! Hair with low porosity can often feel limp or waxy since the cuticle doesn't properly retain moisture by itself. Need to know where your curls fall on the size? Try the water test! Just fill a transparent glass with water, place one strand of hair within the water. If it floats,your hair is taken into account “low” or less absorbent to water. If it sinks to the underside, your hair has the next porosity, and it if it stays in the...
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