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27 Jul

The Promise Of The Pledge: Aurora James’s Persistent Commitment

The Promise Of The Pledge: Aurora James’s Persistent Commitment
Aurora James proudly lives between two worlds—altruism and capitalism. The universes intersected in a post on her Instagram in 2020 calling major retailers to support Black businesses following the brutal killing of George Floyd and subsequent social justice rebellion leaving many corporations asking what they'll do to point out solidarity with the Black community. “I'm asking you to commit to purchasing 15% of your products from Black owned businesses,” James wrote. “So a lot of your businesses are built on Black spending power. So a lot of your stores are arrange in Black communities. So a lot of your sponsored posts are seen on Black feeds. That is the least you may do for us. We represent 15% of the...
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31 Mar

Shonda Rhimes and Aurora James Talk Empowerment, Careers and

Shonda Rhimes and Aurora James Talk Empowerment, Careers and
Shonda Rhimes, the award-winning TV screenwriter, producer and writer, is a firm believer in never wearing stilettos, wearing comfortable clothes, getting eight hours of sleep an evening, and just being yourself. She spoke Wednesday night with Aurora James, founding father of Brother Vellies and the 15 Percent Pledge, on stage at Shondaland’s Recent York offices. They were chatting with women from Gyrl Wonder, an expert pipeline initiative giving rise to young women of color between the ages of 17 and 22. As reported, Rhimes appears in St. John’s #Own Your Power campaign, which launched this spring. St. John sponsored the event. In discussing power and the way one gets it, Rhimes said that you could have to do not forget...
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14 Dec

Prabal, Aurora Vice Chairs of CFDA, Karla Welch’s Amazon

Aurora Vice Chairs
Aurora Vice Chairs CFDA NAMES VICE CHAIRS: Aurora Vice Chairs The Council of Fashion Designers of America unanimously elected Prabal Gurung and Aurora James as vice chairs, Maria Cornejo as secretary, and Stacey Bendet Eisner as treasurer at its semiannual board meeting Tuesday. They'll start their roles on Jan. 1 when Thom Browne assumes his post as chairman of the CFDA. As reported, Browne succeeds Tom Ford, who finished his three-year term on May 31. Since then, Steven Kolb, chief executive officer of the CFDA, has been serving as interim chair of the CFDA. Previously, Tracy Reese was vice chair, Vera Wang was secretary, and Stan Herman was treasurer. Tuesday’s meeting was the primary in-person one because the outbreak of COVID-19 and was held at...
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14 Dec

Prabal Gurung and Aurora James Elected Vice Chairs of

Aurora Vice Chairs
The Council of Fashion Designers of America unanimously elected Prabal Gurung and Aurora James as vice chairs, Maria Cornejo as secretary, and Stacey Bendet Eisner as treasurer at its semiannual board meeting Tuesday. They are going to start their roles on Jan. 1 when Thom Browne assumes his post as chairman of the CFDA. As reported, Browne succeeds Tom Ford, who finished his three-year term on May 31. Since then, Steven Kolb, chief executive officer of the CFDA, has been serving as interim chair of the CFDA. Previously, Tracy Reese was vice chair, Vera Wang was secretary, and Stan Herman was treasurer. Tuesday’s meeting was the primary in-person one because the outbreak of COVID-19 and was held at Veronika’s restaurant on Park...
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