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Comedones Tag

9 Sep

Open and Closed Comedones: The way to Treat and

Zits. Pimples. Pustules. Pimples gets called quite a lot of things, but "comedones" isn’t one you hear your folks say often. That being said, you’ve probably handled them before. Comedonal pimples refers to open and closed comedones — tiny, painless zits or blackheads that typically appear in clusters in your chin, nose, or brow. When you’ve ever had a smattering of inexplicable “bumpy skin,” comedonal pimples is likely to be accountable.Unlike your standard zit or pimple, comedonal pimples isn’t inflammatory, so it doesn’t include the redness, pain, and swelling you often associate with, say, cystic pimples. It's super common and the excellent news is, it’s easy to treat. We asked some pimples experts what causes open and closed comedones and...
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