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conservatism Tag

17 Aug

How this artist is difficult conservatism in Brazilian political

How this artist is difficult conservatism in Brazilian political
Brazilian artist and performer Aun Helden desires to tear down the constructs and constrictions around our bodies and begin again. Their work moves towards an understanding of gender and sex that’s free from cis-heteronormative patriarchal definitions. Un-gendering and un-sexing themself of their online artwork, they're rebuilding themself fluidly with seeming full creative autonomy over their appearance. Inspired partly by their mother, and in lieu of a father figure, they've repoistioned themselves as a maternal figure presiding over their very own body. Fertile imagery abounds of their work; glossy black eggs, vulvic prosthetics, phallic facial appendages à la H.R. Geiger, and large, galactic, empty black eyes. With the rise of the far-right and the election of president Bolsonaro in Brazil, the climate in Brazil for...
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28 Feb

How this artist is difficult conservatism in Brazilian political

How this artist is difficult conservatism in Brazilian political
Aun Helden incorporates phallic and maternal imagery into their work to oppose the rigid binary standards of a cis-heteronormative patriarchal society Brazilian artist and performer Aun Helden desires to tear down the constructs and constrictions around our bodies and begin again. Their work moves towards an understanding of gender and sex that’s free from cis-heteronormative patriarchal definitions. Un-gendering and un-sexing themself of their online artwork, they're rebuilding themself fluidly with seeming full creative autonomy over their appearance. Inspired partly by their mother, and in lieu of a father figure, they've repoistioned themselves as a maternal figure presiding over their very own body. Fertile imagery abounds of their work; glossy black eggs, vulvic prosthetics, phallic facial appendages...
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