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17 Dec

Jimmy DeSana’s dark and uncanny transformations of the naked

Disquieting, transgressive and sometimes darkly comic, the Recent York artist’s photographs urged viewers to see the naked form in a recent light When you’re prone to have encountered the enduring images created by seminal Recent York photographers Robert Mapplethorpe and Peter Hujar throughout the Seventies and Nineteen Eighties, chances are you'll be less accustomed to the work of their contemporary Jimmy DeSana. Disquieting, transgressive and sometimes darkly comic, DeSana’s idiosyncratic photographs unite a constellation of avant-garde elements from punk and sadomasochism to camp, club culture, and performance art. In a lot of his most arresting images, the human body is abstracted and objectified, stripped not only of garments but of subjectivity. We’re invited to...
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