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9 Jul

The forgotten Victorian beauty trend of painting on fake

The forgotten Victorian beauty trend of painting on fake
From the Seventeenth-century French court to the Victorian times, beauty was measured by paleness which led to an increase in women drawing on their veins with blue paste Lately the demographics focused on veins could also be limited to nurses and the people commenting on fuckboy thirst traps, nevertheless they were over again widespread. In a time before Bondi Sands and St Tropez, beauty was measured by pallor – and one option to emphasise how pale you were was through the blueness of your veins. The practice of drawing on veins has been recorded way back to Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome, but really got here into its own among the many upper classes...
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29 Dec

The Often Forgotten Assassination Of Dr. King’s Mother –

The Often Forgotten Assassination Of Dr. King’s Mother –
Bettmann/ GETTY IMAGES Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination in April 1968 by James Earl Ray is taken into account by many to be probably the most tragic events in American history.  The killing of Dr. King  sparked protests in greater than 100 cities across the country, followed by a period of national mourning, based on history.com. But did you understand that his mother, Mrs. Alberta King, was also murdered just six years later as she sat in church? Her death is an often-forgotten chapter within the history of the civil rights struggle. The tragic events of that day have recently garnered way more attention following the premiere of the Showtime series The First Lady’ in April.  The series delves into the private and political lives of three of...
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