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15 Dec

Post-COVID wellness retreats: disaster capitalism or a helpful resource?

With COVID cases still rising in lots of areas the world over, we’re learning more about long COVID. Since the virus is latest and long COVID impacts people in different ways, there’s no one-size-fits-all treatment. This is probably why many patients are turning to alternative medicine. More specifically: long COVID wellness retreats and the growing wellness travel market. In accordance with guidance for UK health workers, long COVID is characterised by symptoms continuing for greater than 12 weeks after a COVID-19 infection (severe or mild) which may't be explained by one other cause. For some, this may be extreme tiredness and shortness of breath, for others this may include problems with memory and concentration – generally known as ‘brain fog’. Long...
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7 Jan

Is self-confidence culture helpful, or a late capitalist ploy?

Confidence has been hijacked and sold back to us, distracting us from changing anything outside of our own self-esteem The story of Kat Hernandez is a parable of our times. The Euphoria character, played by Barbie Ferreira, starts off as an insecure teen who, over the course of the season one, overcomes her body-image issues and finds power through engaging in online sex work. A triumph of our current model of empowerment feminism, body positivity and self-love. Once we revisit Kat in season two, nevertheless, things aren’t going as well for our teen dominatrix who’s in a decidedly more vulnerable position: lying on her bed in a state of self-loathing. “Kat hated herself,”...
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