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19 May

This exhibition explores evolving beauty ideals – and the

The Cult of Beauty exhibition on the Wellcome Collection takes an in-depth have a look at the wonder industry and our ever-changing understanding of what it means to be beautiful What does it mean to be beautiful? Throughout history, this difficult query has been always challenged. Across different cultures and times, ideas of beauty have differed and today with the prominence of social media in our culture the cycles of beauty trends have never been so fast. Opening this week on the Wellcome Collection in London, The Cult of Beauty is the last word investigation into this concept. Curated by Janice Li, the show investigates how morality, status, health, age, race and gender...
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23 Feb

Can skincare ever exist individually from harmful beauty ideals?

In a society dominated by inequality, self-care is becoming more of a distraction tactic – so how will we handle our skin without becoming unhealthily fixated on our appearance? When you check with people about their skincare habits, especially those that religiously follow routines, most will inform you that they engage with skincare for a lot of reasons, but most significantly, because they wish to “handle themselves.” Over the previous couple of years, “wellness” has been one among our most prevailing socio-cultural fixations, and for obvious reasons: Climate change is intensifying, and it’s killing us. The associated fee of living crisis continues to wage on, and it’s been predicted that it should cause...
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15 Dec

Squishy artist Daisy Collingridge desires to eradicate boring body

Bulbous boobs, big stomachs and overlapping muscular systems – the Björk-approved creative breaks down her surreal creations and their inspirations Take a take a look at Daisy Collingridge’s oddly shaped, barely off-kilter forms blowing a kiss to the camera or striking a pose, hands on hip and you simply might wonder what exactly you’re gazing at. Collingridge’s costumes show the several parts of the body, similar to boobs, big stomachs or muscular systems, through quilted textiles. At first, you could not even make certain that there’s an actual person under all those layers, but that’s what makes her pieces all of the more surreal.  Unconventional and thought-provoking abruptly, the London-based textile artist specialises in...
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9 Dec

Documenting the wonder ideals of Cali, Colombia’s cosmetic surgery

Kurt Hollander takes to the streets of Cali to capture the town’s cosmetic architecture and the physical manifestations of the influence of cosmetic surgery on the culture Cali, the state capital of Valle del Cauca, Colombia, is home to lots of of plastic surgeons. More people travel to Colombia for operations than anywhere else on the earth, nearly all of them heading to Cali, and with annual profits of hundreds of thousands of dollars the town has change into referred to as Colombia’s ‘Silicone’ Valley. And it’s not only the foreigners keeping the industry going. Colombia ranks third in the world for probably the most variety of surgeries per capita, and the ladies...
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