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27 Jan

First-half Results Are In — the Beauty Industry Is

The sweetness industry continues to be up. In line with Circana, dollar sales have continued to speed up in each prestige and mass beauty, growing a respective 15 percent and 9 percent in the course of the first half of 2023. Prestige beauty posted $14 billion in total sales in the course of the period; mass beauty generated $28 billion. In prestige, sales saw a lift due to continued growth in unit sales, or variety of products actually sold, in every category, while mass sales primarily grew due to average price increases. (Beauty prices have increased 9 percent on average in mass, verses 2 percent in prestige). “It continues to be the case that prestige beauty is the one...
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24 Jan

How the sweetness industry is finally embracing the menopause

With limited products and inadequate promoting, the sweetness industry often leaves those that undergo the menopause feeling invisible but change is in the air Dry hair, dehydrated skin, a rise in breakouts, these are only a couple of of the various changes of their bodies that menopausal people will undergo. And yet you may hear a pin drop on the subject of conversations about beauty and skincare for those experiencing it. Roughly 13 million women in the UK are currently going through the menopause, but until recently, the sweetness industry has been failing to cater to this audience. With limited products and inadequate promoting of products that do exist – women on this stage...
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23 Jan

Nidhi Sunil on colourism and being in an industry

The Indian model and actress pens a private piece on her experiences facing colourism in fashion and society as a complete My first instinct after I’m asked to debate colourism and its effect on my life has at all times been: ‘How do I articulate this in order that the crux of this conversation doesn’t wander away in rhetoric?’. I need humans to release the regressive perceptions that surround us regarding how we glance and decide to feel powerful for reasons apart from fitting into some general narrative structure of beauty. How does one sum up what it seems like to be discriminated against for something that's your genetic heritage, something you'll be able...
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13 Dec

Being more radical about inclusivity in the sweetness industry

We find out about among the most underrepresented groups throughout the beauty industry and the spokespeople spearheading the subsequent phase of diversity, representation and ‘incidental inclusiveness’ on their behalf Previously five years, there was a big rise in attention to inclusivity and the authentic representation of individuals with disabilities, the LGBTQ+ community and racial diversity throughout the beauty industry. Alongside this shift and sign of progress, a recent breed of brands designed to suit the needs of individuals living with a disability have emerged starting from Grace, Guide Beauty, Shisheido’s tactile and cloud vision operated Braille Nail. Activists, models, organisations and experts comparable to Sinead Burke, Emily Yates, Jillian Mercado, Emily Davison of...
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