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8 Jan

Moving Back To LA… It Was INTENSE

Moving Back To LA… It Was INTENSE
Go to http://uncommongoods.com/thesip for 15% off your next gift! Go to http://lumedeodorant.com and use code SIP to get $5 off off your Starter Pack! (that’s over 40% off) Watch Lizze's vlog! https://youtu.be/bI43g79tXv8?si=LPGMzLRhnZCk8Opd Subscribe to Lizze's YouTube Channel!! @LizzeGordonVlogs Watch Chris' NEW video! https://youtu.be/o4-JMV6cOeM?si=J2mWTH7AWrxizBsv Subscribe to Chris! @ChrisBstation *Recent Fights with Shane and Ryland (with video on spotify!) https://open.spotify.com/episode/27GjIpqgGEVySxby0cGPY1?si=76c0b9a7792e48c0 Watch Shane's recent CONSPIRACY video! https://youtu.be/8JdrKQgziLo?si=RTuoS-PtHeh7XMBG Watch Shane's recent podcast! https://youtu.be/rsEny7pSpII?si=ZgftvN0R9b5cs6Ec Shop Shane's recent merch! https://www.shanedawsonmerch.com Watch Ryland's NEW vlog! https://youtu.be/N4kqqOZAlZE?si=Bunv4mqGJ5Z6dclO Follow 'The Sip' on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thesipofficial/ Follow Ryland https://www.instagram.com/rylandadams/ Follow Lizze https://www.instagram.com/lizze.gordon/ Follow Chris! https://www.instagram.com/chrisbstation/ ...
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9 Jun

‘As an athlete, it’s so intense’: women pro footballers

‘As an athlete, it’s so intense’: women pro footballers
England goalkeeper Mary Earps and Birmingham City’s Siobhan Wilson open up concerning the pressures of being a lady athlete, and the way they learned to feel comfortable in their bodies Body image is something that lots of us spend our lifetimes grappling with, and once you’re an athlete it may well often add a fancy layer to the already about-to-burst can of worms. Sports and movement allow our bodies to develop into the doer, taking us farther from being the inanimate, disempowered subject that our image-obsessed culture can often make us feel like. Nevertheless it’s a double-edged sword, with sports making us much more aware of our body’s limits and hyper-focused on its...
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28 Apr

VLOG | Dying My Hair with ADORE MAGENTA +

VLOG | Dying My Hair with ADORE MAGENTA +
#fashionshow #dyingmyhair #weekendvlog Thanks SO much for 3.08K subscribers! 💯 See you again soon💕 Products Mentioned: Adore Intense Red Semi Everlasting Hair Dye- https://www.amazon.com/Adore-Shining-Everlasting-Color-Intense/dp/B00BHZI3QU/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_mod_primary_new?crid=23TWGRZJ8DBS3&keywords=adore+intense+red&qid=1679697815&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=adore+int%2Caps%2C103&sr=8-3 Adore Magenta Semi Everlasting Hair Dye - https://www.amazon.com/Adore-Semi-Everlasting-Haircolor-Magenta-Ounce/dp/B077J7GB72/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=1V6XWZ8I92R27&keywords=adore+magenta+hair+dye&qid=1679697792&sprefix=adore+mage%2Caps%2C113&sr=8-2 Kiss Tintation Semi Everlasting Clear Hair Dye - https://www.amazon.com/Kiss-Tintation-Semi-Everlasting-Color-Ounce/dp/B084X2Q93Z/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=3NQN6620OEV4B&keywords=kiss+clear+hair+dye&qid=1679697692&sprefix=kiss+clear+%2Caps%2C114&sr=8-2 CONNECT WITH ME: Instagram https://instagram.com/kristinnpetty?igshid=1t56liqasuvty Email: kristinnpettyyt1@gmail.com FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: My body measurements- Height/ 5ft 4.5inches Bust/ 31inches Waist/ 27 inches Hips/ 44.5inches Ethnicity- (biracial/mixed) Mother - white, Polish 🇵🇱 Father - black 🇺🇸 Birthday: Leo ♌️ August 19, 1996 📍Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee Born in Cleveland, Ohio 🩸Siblings: 2 brothers 1 sister 📷 Camera- Sony zv1 #adorehairdye #adoremagentahaircolor #magentahaircolor #adoreredhairdye #adoresemipermanenthaircolor #adoreintensered #ragingredadorehairdye #intenseredadorehairdye #redhair #adoreragingred #adorerubyredhairdye #magentahair #adoreburgundyhairdye #redhairdye #howtouseadorehaircolor #crimsonredhairdye #magentaadorehaircolor #magentaredhair #richamberadorehaircolor #rubyredhairdye #semipermanenthaircolor #adorehaircolor #adoretrulyredhairdye #dyinghairwithadore #dyingmyhairmagenta #magentahairdye #adoreanddeveloper #adorecrimsonhairdye #adorehairdyeondarkhair #adoremagenta #adorepinkhairdye #adoreplatinumhaircolor #adoreredhairdyeonblackhair #adorerichamber #adoresemipermanenthaircolorondarkhair #dyehairred #dyinghairred #hairdye #purplehaircolor #kristinnpetty #kisscleardye #clearhairdye #haircolorvlog #dyinghairvlog #dayinthelife #daysinthelife #daysofmylife...
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4 Nov

Lizzo's Intense Workout Routine

Lizzo's Intense Workout Routine
I believe we will all agree that Lizzo all the time looks amazing! This body-positive star has lots to say about accepting herself for who she is and promoting self-love. Like to see it! Here’s how Lizzo stays so sizzlingly confident. Lizzo is seriously one among a form. From staying healthy and specializing in her wellness and mental health to promoting body positivity to starting her own line of confidence-focused shapewear… could she get any cooler? Here’s every part you should learn about Lizzo’s workout routine, her eating habits, her mental health, and the way she stays so positive! Wish to understand how Lizzo has change into such a radiating beacon of self-love? What do you think that of Lizzo’s workout...
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