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12 Jun

Isamaya Ffrench Named Christian Louboutin Beauty Global Makeup Artist

Christian Louboutin Beauty has inked a take care of Isamaya Ffrench. Ffrench, one of the crucial in-demand makeup artists today, has signed on because the brand’s recent global makeup artist. She was chosen by Louboutin himself, based on the brand, and can be tasked not only with creating looks for campaigns, but with product development. “What I like about working with someone like Christian Louboutin is I feel we each have an analogous set of what we feel is vital and empowering for a lady,” said Ffrench. “He loves drama and humor, he’s passionate, he loves art and authenticity. It makes it easier for me to work with someone who I feel quite creatively aligned with. It’s got nothing to do with...
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24 Mar

A guide to NAD+ by Isamaya Ffrench

Isamaya Ffrench continues her journey with the anti-ageing miracle molecule So here I'm again. Lying on my back, a syringe strapped to my vein and a little bit yellow bag of fluid slowly leaking down the tube and into my arm. My brain is wobbling. That familiar feeling of nausea that sweeps across you the moment the fluid hits, the effect immediate. It’s funny, irrespective of how well researched you're, how eager to live longer, look higher, feel younger, irrespective of what number of scientific papers have proclaimed the advantages of this drug, I still get that human response of hesitation as my body eases into the discomfort, similar to the primary time.  The primary...
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27 Dec

Tobacco, soil and sweat: My life in perfume by

We were a really anti-cosmetics family growing up. My mum didn't even own a mascara and the one fragrance my dad could tolerate on her was Givenchy L'interdit because he fancied Audrey Hepburn for whom the perfume was apparently made. I wasn't even allowed deodorant. My parents were from the hippy generation and were totally comfortable with BO. The primary scent I can remember is my brother's bottle of Dior Fahrenheit and once I moved into his room, age six, I kept the bottle together with the Terminator poster and a glossy topless girls Budweizer poster above my bed. I feel growing up in a room that was full of boys’ stuff shaped my aesthetic. I religiously read his FHM subscription back to...
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2 Oct

How Isamaya Ffrench Is Reinventing Beauty

LONDON — Isamaya Ffrench spent her summer break in Mongolia, sleeping in yurts, riding horses through the epic wilderness, subsisting on yak meat and milk, living the proper nomadic life for just a few weeks. “If I sit on a beach, I just take into consideration work and folks I do know,” she muses. “And I don’t need to take into consideration either of those things.”She is an adventuress, the more distant the destination the higher. She’s recently been reading concerning the relationship between the left brain and the proper brain, logic versus imagination. “Latest experiences fan the flames of your right brain, so travel has at all times been a very powerful thing for me, for creative reasons,” she...
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