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29 Aug

The Cutest Photos Of Jordyn Woods And Karl-Anthony Towns

The Cutest Photos Of Jordyn Woods And Karl-Anthony Towns
Instagram/@jordywoods Anybody who has been in a relationship knows it takes work, so every yr you survive (and hopefully thrive) deserves a celebration. Socialite and model Jordyn Woods has reached a milestone in her relationship and is celebrating two years together with her boyfriend, NBA player Karl-Anthony Towns. Time flies if you’re a fantastic couple having fun. The Minnesota Timberwolves player’s gift to Jordyn was one which raises the bar pretty high. He surprised her with a weekend getaway to the resort where John and Jackie Kennedy had their honeymoon, the Kennedy Suite at Santa Barbara’s San Ysidro Ranch. It gets higher. He also kitted sis with a wardrobe and high end photo shoot on the resort.  ...
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