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Kiyoko Tag

19 May

Meet Kiyoko Odo: the hairstylist behind your favourite fashion

From vibrant wigs to intricate hair sculptures, Kiyoko Odo is taking the industry by storm From digital artists to photographers, body sculptors and hair stylists to make-up and nail artists, in our Highlight series, we profile the creatives tearing up the rulebook of their respective industries. Using hair as a vehicle for storytelling, Kiyoko Odo’s work oscillates between futuristic minimalism to the mind-bogglingly insane. “I really like creating something with hair and connecting with the person’s character and personality,” she explains. “I see so many incredible clothes in film and theatre which emphasise the character inside the story. That is what I aim to do with hair.” Originally from Japan, and now working in London, Kiyoko’s...
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