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29 Aug

How the Link Between Skin Sensitivity and Emotions Affects

How the Link Between Skin Sensitivity and Emotions Affects
Get a front row seat to the ESSENCE FEST Beauty Carnival whereESSENCE Beauty & Style Editor, Blake Newby introduces three experts totalk in regards to the link between skin sensitivity, emotions, and our well-being. Article continues after video. Meet this incredible panel—Sabrina Henry, Principal Scientist atAVEENO®, Felicia Walker, beauty and skin expert behind the “This ThatBeauty” blog, and Dr. Angela Ford, Chief Program Officer of the BlackWomen’s Health Imperative (BWHI). Now, watch as they discuss all the pieces from personal skincare journeys tohow sensitive skin shows up in another way across ethnic groups while alsoaddressing the emotional and mental toll sensitive skin and skin ailmentscan have on the Black community. ...
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