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permatiredness Tag

4 Dec

Could adaptogens like ashwagandha help beat my perma-tiredness?

Could adaptogens like ashwagandha help beat my perma-tiredness?
Adaptogens including ashwagandha and lion’s mane mushroom are the newest viral wellness supplements circulating on TikTok – but do they actually work? I didn’t all the time have a groggy, low-energy personality. I used to carry down multiple jobs, run regular half-marathons and rave until the club lights got here on. My problems began with sleep deprivation, missing full nights’ sleep for 3 years after having my daughter. Even after I (and she or he) began sleeping normally, my energy didn’t return. I read Maisie Hill’s insightful book about health and the menstrual cycle, Period Power, then diagnosed myself with adrenal fatigue – a condition brought on by prolonged periods of stress, leaving...
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