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Piercings Tag

7 Sep

A transient history of piercings and their controversial beginnings

A transient history of piercings and their controversial beginnings
A Transient History of Piercings9 Images Welcome to Beauty School, the corner of Dazed Beauty dedicated to learning. From guides to histories, that is where we make clear past subcultural movements and educate our readers on current trends and various goings-on. When growing up within the 90s and 00s, giving parents a piercing scare was somewhat of a rite of passage. Whether insisting on a lip piercing after the discharge of Christina Aguilera’s “Dirrty” or coming home with a pierced navel to recreate Britney’s My Prerogative album cover; popular culture was awash with teen-influencing piercing inspiration. While that era is now often known as the golden age of contemporary piercing, today’s trends show that bodily bars, rings, and studs are removed from...
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14 Sep

How persons are using genital piercings to affirm their

How persons are using genital piercings to affirm their
Many trans people discover a profound sense of healing through ‘genital biohacking’, with piercings which can be difficult to find elsewhere If the phrase ‘genital biohacking’ incites visions of sex robots or a unadorned Gwyneth Paltrow in her laboratory, it’s not your fault. A fast Google search reveals results which can be, at best, weird and, at worst, stuff Edward Scissorhands would find hard to swallow. In point of fact, biohacking covers any DIY practice done for biological performance or health enhancement, including modifying your genitals with piercings. This isn’t just “a latest weird thing young persons are doing”, Lynn Loheide, a non-binary skilled piercer and ‘body modification historian’ tells Dazed. Genital biohacking “can...
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12 Sep

Tragus Piercings Are In every single place Right Now

Tragus Piercings Are In every single place Right Now
To me tragus piercings at all times stood for faculty rebel. One in every of my friends got hers pierced a few weeks after starting our freshman yr. One other got hers done while we were studying abroad in London. I, by all intents and purposes, am what one might call a "late bloomer," so getting my tragus pierced on the ripe old age of 26 matches right consistent with my personality.Tragus piercings are generally popular, though. "We do at the very least a pair tragus piercings every single day," says Cuba Perez, a piercer and the owner of Fundamental Body Piercing in Chicago, who himself has the unconventional ear piercing. "The tragus has at all times been one of...
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