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20 Aug

Alice Potts desires to turn your sweat into art

Alice Potts desires to turn your sweat into art
“People have a extremely bad stigma about sweat and naturally find it disgusting,” says British designer Alice Potts. To Alice, nonetheless, sweat could be nothing short of gorgeous. A lot in order that the RCA graduate has spent the last two years turning other people’s bodily fluids and even her own into intricate crystal embellishments and fashioning it into wearable art, something she debuted earlier this yr as a part of her MA collection. Using the technique of chromatography, and in collaboration with Imperial College London, Alice took sweat samples from worn-out football jerseys, ballerina flats and sneakers, extracting organic compounds from the traces of bodily fluid to permit each crystal to grow. The human body comprises two major sweat glands –...
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27 Mar

Alice Potts desires to turn your sweat into art

Alice Potts desires to turn your sweat into art
Meet the designer finding beauty in bodily fluids “People have a extremely bad stigma about sweat and naturally find it disgusting,” says British designer Alice Potts. To Alice, nonetheless, sweat will be nothing short of lovely. A lot in order that the RCA graduate has spent the last two years turning other people’s bodily fluids and even her own into intricate crystal embellishments and fashioning it into wearable art, something she debuted earlier this yr as a part of her MA collection. Using the strategy of chromatography, and in collaboration with Imperial College London, Alice took sweat samples from worn-out football jerseys, ballerina flats and sneakers, extracting organic compounds from the traces of bodily...
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