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1 Jun

Horoscope June 2023: in Gemini season, all of us

Horoscope June 2023: in Gemini season, all of us
June kicks off with the Sun radiating within the chatty sign Gemini, as we catapult out of retrograde season, nursing our eclipse hangovers. The versatile sign of the Twins is thought for its love of data, gossip and desire for learning. When the Sun is in Gemini, all of us turn into teenagers. We're voyeurs, hungry for experiences that tell an interesting story, somewhat than provide us with the soundness we were in search of in Taurus season. On the third, a fiery full Moon in Sagittarius enlivens our opinions. We're encouraged to examine our world view, and expand our faith within the unfamiliar. With Jupiter newly in Taurus, we're focused on our mind-body connection, encouraged to construct self-worth and...
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