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4 Aug

Why disability stays the sweetness industry’s next inclusivity frontier

Why disability stays the sweetness industry’s next inclusivity frontier
In the previous couple of years, the sweetness industry has got higher at starting conversations about products made for those with disabilities, but all too often these projects never go beyond talk With the constant influx of latest beauty products released daily, you'd think shopping for products could be a breeze. Nevertheless, for the 1.3 billion people diagnosed with various types of disability, the experience is entirely different. From hard-to-open lids and brushes with no grip, to unidentifiable products in aisles, the design of a product holds an enormous weight on the subject of usability and lots of products are inaccessible to those with disabilities. In the previous couple of years, the concept of...
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19 Mar

Why disability stays the sweetness industry’s next inclusivity frontier

Why disability stays the sweetness industry’s next inclusivity frontier
In the previous few years, the sweetness industry has got higher at starting conversations about products made for those with disabilities, but all too often these projects never go beyond talk With the constant influx of recent beauty products released on daily basis, you'll think shopping for products could be a breeze. Nevertheless, for the 1.3 billion people diagnosed with various types of disability, the experience is entirely different. From hard-to-open lids and brushes with no grip, to unidentifiable products in aisles, the design of a product holds an enormous weight on the subject of usability and plenty of products are inaccessible to those with disabilities. In the previous few years, the concept of...
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