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10 Sep

RevAir, the ‘Reverse Air’ Hair Dryer Brand, Launches a

RevAir, the ‘Reverse Air’ Hair Dryer Brand, Launches a
RevAir is expanding its product purview. The hair tool brand known for its RevAir “reverse air” hair dryer which launched in 2018 — and nonetheless in 2022 with a smaller, quieter iteration — is setting its sights on the hair care category with two recent collections: Extreme Hydration and Boost Fullness. “We did a consumer insights project with consumers of ours and people who had never heard of RevAir to seek out out what their top hair needs are based on their hair type and texture,” said Theresa Ilijevich, director of organic marketing at RevAir, of the genesis of the collections. “The highest desires that we heard were length, strength and hydration.” The Extreme Hydration line spans five products and...
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11 Apr

She just wanted her hair to Move | How

She just wanted her hair to Move | How
Carrington is here and we're gonna cover just a few things! Deeper Than Hair Magazine: https://deeperthanhair.com/deeper-than-hair-magazine/ Satin Shield Serum: https://deeperthanhair.com/satin-shield-serum/ 22 TiTania Flat Iron: https://deeperthanhair.com/22titania-flat-iron-signature-royal/ Regular Cutting Collar: https://deeperthanhair.com/steady-cutting-collar/ RevAir Dryer: https://revair.pxf.io/deeperthanhair Discount Code: DeeperThanHair for 10% off Latched N Hooked: https://www.latchedandhooked.com/collections/braid-collection Protective Styles by Angela C Styles: Hair Bath & Cleanse: https://amzn.to/3ZVc6N0 Conditioning Detangler: https://amzn.to/3ZWbwhO Braiding and Twist Gel: https://amzn.to/3ZWbwhO Day by day Oil Drops: https://amzn.to/3ZWbwhO Hair Freshner: https://amzn.to/3ZWbwhO Set and Refresh Foam: https://amzn.to/3ZWbwhO source...
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