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9 Nov

On safari in Ruaha National Park, Tanzania’s next big

On safari in Ruaha National Park, Tanzania’s next big
A latest paradise The giantess is coming. She steps along the riverbank, panning her gaze left and right. Her bill is a bayonet, her eyes are beads of amber, her neck forms an ideal S-shape. She’s a 5ft-tall goliath heron, and the river is hers. All at once, she unfurls into flight, her vast wings outspread like sails as she slow-beats along the watercourse. She’s a titan in bird form, a vision of grace soaring above flatulent pods of hippos, and any fish she might spy just isn't long for this world.Fadhili Saning’o looks on with interest. “There haven’t been formal wildlife observations in these wetlands until recently,” he whispers, gesturing on the acacia groves and the seasonal, straw-coloured grasslands around us....
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