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24 Sep

These Celebs Share The Best Money Advice They’ve Ever

These Celebs Share The Best Money Advice They’ve Ever
Everyone can profit from financial advice, even wealthy celebrities. In any case, with an influx of money from lucrative deals coming their way, it will probably be easy to search out their way into some financial snafus if not managed accurately. From mismanagement of funds that result in bankruptcies, to IRS troubles, the famous can often find themselves in money trouble. But financial mistakes aren’t just isolated to celebrities. The common person could also be making the identical really questionable money moves as well, particularly in a time of economic uncertainty. The present inflation rate is over 9%, which has drastically driven prices for rent, groceries and gas amongst other necessities. Very like most of us, the wealthy and famous...
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6 Sep

Michael Ealy, Kofi Siriboe And Laman Rucker Share What

Michael Ealy, Kofi Siriboe And Laman Rucker Share What
Photo by Madania Graves Throughout the 2022 ESSENCE Festival of Culture on the stage of our inaugural In His Zone Men’s Experience, television and radio personality Big Tigger and actors Lamman Rucker, Kofi Siriboe, and Michael Ealy sat all the way down to discuss the state of Hollywood and what keeps them energized and excited to maintain entering into a world that usually tries to maintain them in a narrowly-defined box. View this post on Instagram A post shared by ESSENCE (@essence) Take a look at the ways these men are keeping joy and excitement at the middle of their lives. Photo by Madania...
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4 Sep

Black Women Executives Share How They Construct Authentic Relationships

Black Women Executives Share How They Construct Authentic Relationships
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