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13 Jul

Poet Lab | Spring Summer 2025 | Full Show

Poet Lab | Spring Summer 2025 | Full Show
Poet Lab | Spring Summer 2025 | Full Fashion Show in High Definition. (Widescreen - Exclusive Video/1080p - ROMAETERNA) #Poetlab #SS25 The following destination is London with Poet-Lab presenting the Status collection Status which narrates the union between history, beauty and intelligence. A set characterised by soft lines which are inspired by a rigorous life. POET-LAB depicts that society that all the time tries to be fashionable every time of the day. The POET-LAB woman represents a standing, she goes outside the fashionista's schemes, she doesn't have a season and adapts to climate change, they're creations that adopt a No-Season by making just a few garments to follow an eco-sustainable concept. The designer uses old dead stock where each piece is handmade and the various finishes are the...
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