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17 Oct

6 Beauty Brands Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month –

6 Beauty Brands Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month –
Spooky season isn’t the one focus in October, as this month also symbolizes Breast Cancer Awareness. Whether you’re honoring your family members with the normal ribbon, rocking your pink, or walking for the cure, our favourite beauty brands are opening their wallets to support research with just a few limited-edition releases which are price adding to the routine.  Essence has played an enormous role in sharing the stories of Black women and their breast cancer journeys, like media personality Ananda Lewis who was diagnosed with stage three of the disease in 2020, or legendary singer Mary J Blige, who recently learned the depths of breast cancer. “I didn’t find out about breast cancer or mammograms until I used to be 40,”...
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23 Sep

WATCH: Black Fashion TikTok Creatives Speak On The Importance

WATCH: Black Fashion TikTok Creatives Speak On The Importance
var playerInstance_SSp1JkwV = jwplayer("jw-video-SSp1JkwV").setup({ playlist: "https://cdn.jwplayer.com/v2/media/SSp1JkwV", autostart: false, repeat: true, mute: true, aspectratio: '16:9', sharing: { sites: ["facebook","twitter","email","linkedin"] }, cast: {}, floating: { dismissible: true }, autoPause: { viewability: false }, displaytitle: true, displaydescription: true, controls: true, related: { displayMode: 'shelfWidget' }, advertising: {"client":"googima","tag":"https://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads?correlator=&iu=/21698916284/ess/VideoNews&impl=s&env=vp&gdfp_req=1&output=vast&sz=1000x1&description_url=__page-url__&tfcd=0&npa=0&vpmute=0&vpa=auto&vad_format=linear&url=__page-url__&vpos=preroll&unviewed_position_start=1&v=SSp1JkwV&pmnd=0&pmxd=60000&ad_rule=1&cust_params=ttid%3DSSp1JkwV%26frnch%3D__item-franchise__%26environment%3D%26kwblock%3Ddis,Bui,Abb,Microsoft,Wal,Air,DIS 2,CapOne2,Coca,UPS,mcd,Targetbos,Buick,Toyota,dentsu,Johnson","vpaidcontrols":true} }) The 2022 ESSENCE Festival of Culture had quite a few celebrities, beauty industry professionals and content creators help us create magical moments on stage. Considered one of those very special moments were led by TikTok’s very own, Chazz Inniss, who sat down with content creators Pierrah Hillaire and Nydia Twitty to debate their journeys of being Black content creators on the platform, constructing community and the importance of supporting each other. Hillaire, whose TikTok username is @pierrahh, has garnered a following of over 50K on the platform for her content centered...
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31 Aug

Howard University Professor William Southerland Challenges More Corporations To

Howard University Professor William Southerland Challenges More Corporations To
var playerInstance_rCcuwJ7H = jwplayer("jw-video-rCcuwJ7H").setup({ playlist: "https://cdn.jwplayer.com/v2/media/rCcuwJ7H", autostart: false, repeat: true, mute: true, aspectratio: '16:9', sharing: { sites: ["facebook","twitter","email","linkedin"] }, cast: {}, floating: { dismissible: true }, autoPause: { viewability: false }, displaytitle: true, displaydescription: true, controls: true, related: { displayMode: 'shelfWidget' }, advertising: {"client":"googima","tag":"https://pubads.g.doubleclick.net/gampad/ads?correlator=&iu=/21698916284/ess/VideoNews&impl=s&env=vp&gdfp_req=1&output=vast&sz=1000x1&description_url=__page-url__&tfcd=0&npa=0&vpmute=0&vpa=auto&vad_format=linear&url=__page-url__&vpos=preroll&unviewed_position_start=1&v=rCcuwJ7H&pmnd=0&pmxd=60000&ad_rule=1&cust_params=ttid%3DrCcuwJ7H%26frnch%3D__item-franchise__%26environment%3D%26kwblock%3Ddis,clx,show,Bui,Abb,Microsoft,Wal,Air,DIS 2,CapOne2,CapOne3,Coca,UPS,mcd,Targetbos,Buick,EFOC_Tar.,Toyota,dentsu,Johnson","vpaidcontrols":true} }) Historically Black Colleges and Universities have long been at the middle of economic development throughout the Black community by educating our country’s best and brightest and providing a bunch of employment opportunities.Within the wake of George Floyd’s tragic 2020murder, many corporations made guarantees to donate to our HBCUs as a method to show their solidarity with the Black community. Now greater than two years later, while a few of those guarantees have never materialized, some corporations have invested within the futures of HBCUs and by default, the futures of our...
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