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22 Oct

Torn Hearts (2022) Movie Ending, Explained

Share this ArticleTorn Hearts (2022) Movie Explained: Hollywood horror was once replete with older women and now the subgenre of hag horror or “Hagsploitation” or “psycho-biddy” cinema is resurrecting during which a former actress or artist, now older and insane, torments those round her. Epitomized in movies like Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (1962), Dead Ringer (1964), Strait-Jacket (1964), and Hush… Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964), hag horror transforms the glamorous grand dame into an antagonistic villain. In modern-day horror, the employment of “hagsploitation” is clear in Ti West’s slasher X (2022), and Ari Aster’s horror Hereditary (2018).American actor-turned-director Brea Grant’s third feature film Torn Hearts brings the “hagsploitation” picture back onto the B-movie stage. The film can also be distinctive...
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