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Translation Tag

3 Aug

Sharing Speech: On Translation as Conversation

A MEMORY. I’m fast asleep in the primary room I’ve rented in Mexico City. I’m 23. I’ve been gathering my mettle after my first cataclysmic break-up, newly wading into the tide pools of hedonism and the shells that may slice your feet there. I’ve been comforted by the presence, secured by probability on the web, of a delicate roommate and his great galumphing pewter-colored dog, Pechuga (“chicken breast,” if you have to know). I’m jolted awake before dawn by a thunderous noise, the floorboards shuddering. Mexico City is a seismic zone and I’ll soon make the acquaintance of several earthquakes, but that is something else, I discover after I stumble off the bed and over to the window: it’s a...
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22 Feb

8 Peruvian Books in Translation

8 Peruvian Books in Translation From the Quechua oral tradition to the Hispanic colonization and the Spanish literature that might result, Peruvian literature has a wealthy and complex history. Through exploitation and violence, Peru, originally the seat of the Incan Empire, became the seat of the Spanish empire for the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries — largely due to its supplies of silver. This is able to change within the 18th century as a result of power changes and an Indigenous revolt, and Peru was declared independent on July 28, 1821, as a part of José de San Martín’s quest to free Argentina and shove Spain out of the region. Indigenous rights would proceed to be a subject of debate, protest, and suppression...
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