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23 Sep

Parkland trial erupts in shouting match between judge, attorney

Parkland trial erupts in shouting match between judge, attorney
Just before jurors were presupposed to walk into the courtroom Wednesday, defense attorneys for Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz abruptly rested their case. The move sparked outrage from Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer, who berated them for his or her lack of professionalism — resulting in a shouting match in court. Judge Scherer called the choice to rest all at once her or the prosecution "essentially the most uncalled for, unprofessional option to try a case." She then accused Cruz's attorneys of being inconsiderate to all involved, but especially the jurors for wasting their trip to court. When lead defense attorney Melisa McNeill countered angrily, "You're insulting me on the record in front of my client," Scherer cut her off. "You’ve been insulting me the...
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