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7 Dec

Butt plugs and tentacle nails: inside Grace Wardlaw’s world

Butt plugs and tentacle nails: inside Grace Wardlaw’s world
From otherworldly manicures for Rosaliá and Hunter Schafer to eyelashes and sex toys, Grace Wardlaw is constructing an empire made of glass It took Grace Wardlaw a yr and a half to look at the music video for Lo Vas A Olvidar, the Euphoria-premiering collaboration between Rosalía and Billie Eilish. Eventually, Wardlaw added hers to the 68 million views on YouTube, seeing for the primary time two of music’s most famous women adorned together with her hand-blown glass creations on their fingertips. Once I query her hesitance, the Canada-based artist says she’s undecided what held her back. “Perhaps I even have impostor syndrome. Like, that’s an excessive amount of. That’s too crazy,” she...
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