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23 Dec

The Fashioneering Lab Adds Latest Executives in Residence

The Fashioneering Lab, a Dallas-based fractional consultancy and think tank that goals to assist brands grow, has added eight recent executives in residence to supply advice and directions in numerous areas.

Kate Sheldon, Fashioneering’s chief executive, said the brand new executives include Lars Nilsson, a CFDA member and founder and inventive director of Mr. Nilsson; Daryl Kerrigan, a CFDA Perry Ellis award winner and founding father of Daryl K.; and Kristen Sosa, a former Saks Fifth Avenue executive.

Other recently added executives in residence are Sharon Graubard, Michael Cleghorn, Elena Bertone, Irene Bernadis and Timothy Parent.

The Fashioneering Lab was launched last yr by Sheldon, who has worked as a designer, a design consultant and spent a decade at Neiman Marcus as a buyer of designer collections including Chanel and Christian Dior.

She began her business after noticing her consulting clients, big and small, needed advice on a spread of topics, not only design, but in addition sourcing, optimizing e-commerce, regional expansion, supply chain issues and tech.

The Fashioneering Lab was conceived as a option to offer growth insights from numerous experts for lower than the value of full-time hires and to create more communication between strategic advisers.

“When launching The Fashioneering Lab’s consultancy and think tank, I sought to construct a whole ecosystem of strategists, thought leaders, and tacticians focused on preparing each emerging and heritage brands for the longer term,” Sheldon said. “Leveraging our deep-rooted and broad industry expertise, culture of collaboration and knowledge sharing, we’re focused on accelerating the adoption of sustainability, circularity, inclusivity, fashion technology and adapting to shifts in work culture and business models.”

Starting next yr, The Fashioneering Lab is starting The Fashioneering Lab Community as an area where a worldwide, curated, multidisciplined group of leaders from the worlds of fashion, luxury, sustainability, inclusivity and technology gather to exchange ideas and concentrate on accelerating needed industry transformation.

Applications for membership open on Jan. 15. For more information, send an email to affix@thefashioneeringlab.com.

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