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15 Jan

These photos make a case for the colorful buzzcut

“I’m curious about how hairstyles turn into a non-permanent, fleeting statement that might be made about your identity, in your body for as long or as short as you desire, after which might be modified or eradicated,” says photographer Max Heilbronn. “The temporality of using your hair as a canvas to specific to the world your personality and the way you see yourself is particularly fascinating.”

It was this type of self-expression that Heilbronn desired to capture and document in his recent series of photographs, which explore the bleach movement amongst London youth. Joined by hair stylists Alfie Charles Vincent, Janina Zais and Ami Fall, who created the colorful designs on the models (and in Fall’s case, herself), he set out to indicate people’s profound desire for physical expression. “It was vital for me to not forged models but moderately use young Londoners who had already been experimenting with this mode of self-expression,” he says. “A number of the subjects were friends and a few were complete strangers who later became friends.”

The result’s a series of images which showcase a variety of joyful, vibrant designs – animal prints, stars, hearts, abstract swirls – and enjoyment of the liberty and confidence that may come from having your outer appearance perfectly match how you’re feeling inside, even when it’s only for that one fleeting moment. “What I loved in regards to the people involved within the project is that they understood that in the long run, it’s only hair and that it’s good sometimes, regardless of the way you’re feeling, to shave your entire thing,” says Heilbronn. “To bring some color, to bring some freedom.” Here Heilbronn, Fall and Vincent share their thoughts in regards to the images, and the inspirations behind essentially the most vibrant designs.

How long have you ever been taking pictures?

Max Heilbronn: I’ve been taking pictures for a few years, but my passion for it really consolidated once I arrived in London three years ago. London felt like a recent energy, and never knowing plenty of people here allowed me to challenge myself to shoot more and meet creatives around me. I also became invested in documentary-style photography once I went travelling for eight months with my older brother. This was exciting, as I wasn’t just taking pictures of my drunk 17-year-old friends anymore.

How did you turn into curious about bleached hair and buzzcuts?

Max Heilbronn: I used to be getting lost in who I used to be and the way I discover, like all of us, and I got to a spot where I only knew what I didn’t like, versus what I loved. I used to be changing my hairstyle every few weeks and I used to be searching for brand spanking new styles to check out, which is once I got here across the work of sensible hair artists comparable to Ami. These haircuts seemed more like artwork to me, and prompted me to begin photographing them.

Did you are trying to match the looks to the models’ personality and elegance?

Alfie Charles Vincent: I at all times prefer to collaborate with my clients and allow them to pick their favourite colors. On this instance, they flicked through my work and selected a design from there.

Ami Fall: I generally consider the models’ style and interests, but I might say the looks weren’t a direct expression of the models’ personalities. If anything, they were an expression of mine. I see the hair as a canvas for me to specific myself, based on the request or prompt of the model.

Why do you’re thinking that colored buzzcuts are so popular in the meanwhile?

Max Heilbronn: A lot of pop cultural men have experimented with their hair, like Dennis Rodman and even Tyler, the Creator. The choices are also infinite. Removed from previous classical hairstyles, you’ll be able to select any design or any color you actually love. Fuck, I sound like an advert.

Alfie Charles Vincent: You’ll be able to paint anything in your head, people can say what they need, change the color as often as they like. Brands are also realising they will use it of their promoting, while bands paint their album titles or logos on their heads. I paint AFC [Arsenal Football Club] on my mate’s head and we go to the sport, then color over it again before work on Monday. It’s like a brief tattoo.

You mentioned young people’s desire for physical expression. Are you able to talk more about that?

Max Heilbronn: I don’t think it’s something recent: young people have at all times had a desire to specific themselves through dress or hairstyles, but lately, the strong binary aspect of gendered clothing and hairstyles have blurred, allowing for more experimentation and fun available, at the very least in western countries.

Do you’re thinking that it’s still harder for men to specific themselves through their appearance? 

Max Heilbronn: I wouldn’t say it’s harder, but socially it’s more restraining for young men to open up, be eccentric and play more with how they appear. There is typically a toxicity that comes from masculine friendship groups that I feel can trap men into following a classical ideal of dressing or how they need to have their hair.

Ami Fall: I’ve never experienced being a person, but when I needed to guess, perhaps yes – there are specific style stigmas that also exist inside certain communities in modern society, specifically to do with men’s hair and fashion. [Men I know] have said that generally there’s less acceptance on the subject of expressing themselves in an unconventional way.

Alfie Charles Vincent: The entire concept of masculinity and expression has shifted lately. You see it in fashion, art and even social media and that is just an extension of that and a mode of self-expression. I actually have plenty of male clients from different backgrounds and I can only thank them for putting their trust in me to make use of their hair as a canvas.

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