After weeks of no named storms within the tropics, there at the moment are two within the Atlantic- Danielle and Earl. Danielle has been downgraded from a hurricane to a tropical storm and FOX 13 Meteorologist Tony Sadiku says she is losing some convection and just isn’t expected to hit america. He’s closely watching Tropical Storm Earl, which developed late Friday night because it moves north and west. Nonetheless, like Danielle, it just isn’t expected to affect the U.S.
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Tania Lima

Where is the high pressure, what steering this storm?
Natividad Nazario
Want hear latitude and longitude
Them I figure out better
Also the time and day you are
Adrian Haries
I'm waiting for hurricane Adrian to be name as a category 5
Sheila More
It’s not a disappointment it’s good news good to get it out of here nobody wants a tragedy????????????
Sheila More
Good news
bob dunn
Before you vote this November, know this—Here is what the Democrats, Charlie Crist, Val Demings and Rebekah Jones stand for (on their websites.) All opposes Voter ID, is soft on crime (supports early release, no bail, supported de-fund the police.) Crist & Demings marched with Black Lives Matter as they rioted. Crist nor Demings said anything to condemn the violence. All support convicts the right to vote from prison, gun control, Crist & Demings support Biden's open border policy (2.3 million crossed to date…guess who pays), and opposed the wall. Both supports the new liberal class room curriculum for very young children indoctrination not education in critical race theory who is a racist, LGBTQ, gender identity, teachers making the determination of what parents deserve to know about their children, school same sex restrooms. All supports the green new deal, Biden's war on oil, taxpayer funds for illegal aliens-including college, welfare for immigrants. Demings recently stated "Joe Biden is doing a great job." Nuff said. Vote Republican Ron De Santis Governor, Marco Rubio Senate, Matt Gaetz Congress, Laurel Lee Congress.
Douglas Barrow
Who farted.
kevin courtney
Remember when "the warmers" were predicting hurricane after hurricane? Get ready for "Hurricanes are a natural and important part of our ecosystem" and "Global warming is endangering these important washing machines of the atmosphere".
Grace The Oldskool Essential Worker..
I like the name of the Storm..
I hope one day to have one named after me…
act nonchalant …
hurricanes can detect fear
Can we start naming storms after the typical angry black women? Tropical storm shaqueetah. Her sister storm hurricane lemonjello.
Mark Joslin
If they’re no threat then????
kris edwards
If you had 2 storms named Danielle, you would then have "Stormy Danielles ! Someone must have paid for HER to go away again !
lorne lee
Come On Over And Teach Us Another Lesson On Climate Change ????
Johnny Fisherr
Climate change, they said there going to be more intensive Hurricanes. After 2021, more like less hurricanes to come from climate change.
Jesus_H_ Christ
This is clearly a sign of Climate Change that the Caribbean and The United States have experienced a record low Hurricane Season
Thanks Tony ????
Marsh Momma
Thank you God ????????. Please keep them out in the ocean
Jacob Stopper