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20 Dec

TV Producer Terrence Woods Is Missing, Parents Demand Answers

The disappearance of Discovery television producer Terrence Woods is receiving renewed media attention due to social media. And it’s right on time since his parents are desperate for answers.

In keeping with Deadline, Woods, 27, vanished while working on Discovery’s Gold Rush franchise in Idaho County, Idaho, on October 5, 2018. The shoot involved filming a spin-off called Gold Rush: Dave Turin’s Lost Mine in Penman Mine, a deserted gold mine. The placement was surrounded by jagged terrain.

Within the nearly two years which have followed, the case has gone cold, but many television production professionals have taken to personal Facebook groups and other social media channels to demand that Raw TV, which produces the show and can also be owned by Discovery, and its parent network work harder to seek out out the small print of what happened.

Woods’s parents have also accused them of mistreating their child, and openly doubted that they reported the incident of his disappearance accurately. 

Discovery denied that Woods was mistreated and outlined the range of how it had cooperated within the investigation and cooperated in search and rescue efforts. “We have now the deepest sympathy for Terrence’s family and friends. It is really heartbreaking that Terrence has not been found, and we proceed to hope that he shall be,” said a spokesperson for Discovery. 

“In such a tragic case, there’ll inevitably be speculation about his disappearance, which is neither helpful or fair to Terrence, his family or the crew who worked so hard to try to help. The thorough police investigation has found no evidence to support any of the speculative claims, and this stays a tragedy,” they added.

Sheriff Doug Giddings, who led the investigation, reported that there was no wrongdoing on the a part of the corporate. 

The day that Woods disappeared, he informed his father that he could be returning weeks early from the shoot. He didn’t explain why he made this alternative to go away within the thread. He reportedly informed Raw TV that he could be visiting his mother, Valerie Woods, on account of concerns about her health regardless that she had told him she wouldn’t need surgery for a problem that they had discussed previously.  Later that day, he allegedly tossed his radio onto the bottom and spontaneously took off running “down the side of a steep cliff. ” He was last seen by “multiple witnesses” vanishing right into a forest. Reportedly several people tried to chase him as he ran. His colleagues were surprised and confused by his actions. 

Woods’s parents doubt the credibility of the accepted version of events. “You say my 97-pound son ran down the cliff without tripping, falling, hurting himself. You don’t have a trace of his blood or piece of his clothing, and he ran like a hare and ran so fast, no person could catch him,” said his father, Terrence Woods, Sr. 

In addition they doubt the credibility of one in every of the central witnesses, associate producer Simon Gee, who reportedly helped with the efforts to locate Woods. He supposedly has been trained in search and rescue. Gee met with Woods’s parents, who flew to Idaho shortly after they were informed that their son was missing. The meeting took place at Giddings’s office with two other Raw executives present. Valerie remembered Gee’s demeanor as “cold.” Woods Sr. recalled Gee calling his son a “disappointment” and saying he “didn’t live as much as my expectations.” 

Discovery denied that Gee used the term “disappointment.” Gee claims he only mentioned that Woods was distracted in an effort to apparently discover if that was a traditional character trait, and take a look at to know his mental state on the time he ran down the cliff. Assertions have been made that Woods had a tricky time fitting into the culture of the production. In a 911 report after his disappearance, one person wrote, “Terrence has been having a extremely hard time emotionally and had a mental breakdown earlier today.” Others working on the show called him “weird.” 

Woods was characterised as a “completely reliable and intelligent man” by those near him. He had gotten a foothold in his profession within the U.K., where he worked on popular programs, including The Voice UK and BBC One’s Saving Africa’s Elephants: Hugh and the Ivory War. He was well traveled and used to high-pressure environments. He had never been labeled “weird” in previous workplaces.

“It doesn’t make sense once I hear people say that he struggled together with his mental health or that he didn’t live as much as expectations,” said his friend Cassandra Hall-Alexander. “I spent six months on a TV production course with him, and he at all times exceeded expectations and never ever showed signs of getting any mental health problems.”

His parents also denied ever seeing him exhibit erratic behavior. 

Giddings acknowledged his parents’ skepticism and admitted that Woods managing to sprint down the cliff would have been tough, but he also noted that other team members did the identical of their pursuit of Woods. 

The family stays unconvinced that they’re getting the complete story. 

“Something happened of foul play they usually’re attempting to cover it up,” Woods Sr. said. “My son saw something, or heard something that he didn’t agree with, and he wanted to go away.”

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